Meet the sniper video released


wow... that is probably my second favorite (I'm biased -- i love the scout no matter what)
LOVED the Civilian bobblehead at the beginning of the video. It proves Valve knows how to show some love to the TFC fans who played countless hours trying to get that chubby, umbrella-carrying, low hit point walking target across that open field.

EDIT: Loved the "Boom Headshot" reference, too.
Nice one, thought this was better than the Scout, but still not as good as the Heavy and NG. Wonder what the Medic will be like!
uhhhhhhh did you guys notice how those bottles filled up ewwwwwwww :p

It seemed more elaborate than the others using more models specific to this trailer, a moving vehicle, etc.
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What a camper...... Well, at least he has the bottles just think if he didn't that's even more gross
I love the part with the Demo's bottle. :p And where's he's like "I think his friend saw me. *PANG* Yup!"
i like how you realize at the end that he's talking to his parents on the payphone, trying to justify his job. :)
I loved it.

Where are the other videos?

Edit: I found them, and I like the Engineer video as well... Lol the counter by his side was - genius, The demo man is a black scottish cyclops lol.

The rest were not so good.
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oh come on.... the Heavy how he get mad that some one touched his gun...

Oh My Gosh Who Touched Sasha???
Scout? Really? That was the weakest one IMO. Engi has the best vid thus far, with heavy in a close second. The sniper would have to take third at this point. I would only put the scout in front of the demo two cents. (which aren't worth much, granted)
I loved this one, I loved the Warning headshots road sign at the beginning and the "I think his mate saw me" scene.

I think I gotta agree scout is amazing, love it BOINK BONK FTW. I think soldier is weakest, but even that one is really good- unless it is a farm!
The engineer still has the best one I think, and the scout's was by far the worst.

the thing i like about these videos is that each on appeals to different people. I personally find that the engineers video is the worst because i say that the things the engineer does in the video is impossible (i.e. three or four sentry guns).
I find the scout's video my favorite. I may be biased because the scout is my favorite class.
I also love the sniper's and demo's because of the humor.
and I never really liked the heavy's video, only because i'm not a huge fan of heavies
It all appeals to different people in different ways.
The only real reason I liked the Scout one was because the Sentry looked cool trying to shoot him. XD