Oct 9, 2004 #1 Atown Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager Staff member ok i need to make a chart and i have a chart but i cant figuire out how to add words and stuff to the legends and the general comparisons among the topic.
ok i need to make a chart and i have a chart but i cant figuire out how to add words and stuff to the legends and the general comparisons among the topic.
Oct 10, 2004 #2 Gandhi New Member Once u made the chart, just right click in the white area on the chart and go to chart options, there u can find the legend and stuff. When your creating the chart using the chart wizard at step 3 there are tabs to customize the title, legend and guidelines. have fun.
Once u made the chart, just right click in the white area on the chart and go to chart options, there u can find the legend and stuff. When your creating the chart using the chart wizard at step 3 there are tabs to customize the title, legend and guidelines. have fun.