More church bulletin bloopers


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The ushers will come forward and take our ties and offerings

Calvin Chartes, a professional cheif from our congregation, has thrown his heart into helping feed the needy.

Church Rummage Sale: A good oppertunity to get rid of anything not worth keeping but too good to throw away. Bring your spouse.

Three-year-old teacher needed for Sunday school. Experience preferred.

Anyone not claiming lost articles will be disposed of.

The on-duty elders will be found hanging in the church lobby.

Bulletin board blooper: Will the person who barrowed the ladder from the custodian's closet please bring it back before further steps are taken.

Something to this effect...

Our most recent missionary, Bertha Belch, has returned for a week to share her experiences with us. Come this Sunday to hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa.
i was thinking of the one que put up when i was reading all the others.. there are some really funny ones out there
one went something like this... "say 'hello' to your friends. say 'hell' to your enemies"... somethin like that.. i dont know