Need advice on a Pally build


New Member
As I get up in the ranks I’m looking for a build for my pally. Two builds that seem interesting so far are..

The one build is a retrib build, and the other is an offensive holy build..

Basically at 60 I will be raiding/instances however I do like pvp a lot. So something that works for pvp and won't gimp me for raids if it’s possible.

Any advice on these or a totally different build is appreciated :)
I have played around with my build for a while and it's currently this.

I have yet to pvp, but let me explain what I believe to be the most important from a raiding perspective and you can fill in the pvp blanks from there on your own.

Must Have Raid Talents
Holy Tree - Spiritual Focus 5/5 What's the point if you can't get a heal off.
- Healing Light 3/3 You want to maximize your healing ability.
- Consecration 1/1 Although not the top aoe in the game, it does come in very handy for some raid situations. And with a few pallies it stacks up to some ok dps.
- Illumination 5/5 I tried a build without this and all 5 points in Divine Intellect and it was amazing how much mana I was burning up in comparison. You will be getting +int gear and maximizing it as best you can. All that intelligence ups your healing crit rate and it pays big dividends to have this talent maxed. I can't say too much about this one for lengthy boss fights. Currently, with my best healing gear and raid buffed, I have over 6,500 mana but it burns up fast in boss fights without this talent.
- Divine Favor 1/1 Sometimes you just need that heal to crit to save a life.

Ret Tree - Benediction 5/5 Pallies that don't judge wisdom or light on tougher mobs and bosses in raid situations are missing out. Rogues especially like light being judged because with their high hit rate they get lots of healing from it. Having this talent for a raid build just helps that little bit more in conserving mana.

Ok. Remember that I am speaking from a raid perspective. You will have to fill in the pvp blanks as you see fit. So, why did I not put some talents as raid talents? Well, they may be good raid talents, but I am a retribution paladin and sometimes you have to sacrifice some holy talents for some dps. :)

Divine Intellect - If you are a holy spec'd pally, then you have to go 5/5 here as it not only gives you more mana, it increases your healing spell crit rate.

Imp Blessing of Wisdom - This is a great raid talent and there is usually a pally around in the raid who has put points into it because they are holy spec'd. As a retribution pally, I would rather spend points elsewhere.

Imp Lay on Hands - The fact is, I would only use LoH when my mana was almost out because to do otherwise is to severly gimp myself mana-wise when I could better us Divine Favor and get off a good heal with a shorter cool down than this can give me. The plus to LoH is that it's instant, but the loss of mana is too great.

Lasting Judgement - If I was a holy spec'd pally, then this would be important for raiding. Most of the time you can't be there to continue to beat on the target and refresh the judgement. Too deep in the holy tree for a ret pally.

Holy Power - Another great talent for a holy pally as it will bring that crit rate up and in conjunction with illumination it will give you all the more mana to play with. Too deep in the tree for a retnoob.

There are points that I did not place in the ret tree that you may wish to because of wanting to pvp. Here is what I chose to overlook and why:

Vindication - Does not work on most mobs and definitely not against the bosses at that level.

Eye for an Eye - Why waste the points on something that may never proc against me.

Repentance - They are all immune in raids.

Well, others may differ (ok, others will differ :) ) but that's my $0.02 for what it's worth.
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After I hit 60, I was thinking about something along the lines of 30/11/10 to maximize my desired role as a heal-/buff-bot. I personally don't mind passing out heals and buffs during PvP.

(On a side note: I remember a funny thread spoofing the "melt-faces" Priest thread: "In PvP, Paladins will buff faces!" Need more DPS? Pow! BoM right in the kisser! :p)

Besides, if I really wanted to dish out the pwn in PvP, I'd bring my (PvE, go figure) mage. :)

For the time being, however, I'm holding on to SoC for leveling DPS.

Your feedback is appreciated. :)
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If you really want to go crazy with your pally, I recomend my Thornadin build.

It is a huge PvE DPS upgrade for a pally. Also a nice and fun way to farm with a pally.