need help with microphone


Active Member
Hey, ever since I got my laptop at the beginning of the summer my microphone hasnt worked well.  I've had a few people commet that I sound like "aqua man" or they cant understand me when i talk.  It just happens with CS though, i dont understand that.  I've messed with the voice settings in steam and nothing.  It seems when i say short things like "they are at short A" it works kinda enough for my team to understand me.  I've tried my mike on all 3 other of my comps on CS and it works fine.  I've had this mike for about 3 months and I have a replacement contract on it.  When I chat with people on AIM it works fine, just CS.  I tried messing with windows settings and installing new AC'97 sound drivers, nothing works.  I have the acer aspire 1711SCi-V64MB notebook, could it just be steam or is it the laptop and the hard ware config.

Any suggestions/websites are welcome, even suggestions of things i have already done, i might not have done it right the first time.  


Hmm, that's odd.

Find out what motherboard your laptop has, and go to their website and try downloading their version of the driver for audio instead of realtek's.  It might still be a realtek ac'97 driver, but use that one anyway because for whatever reason it may be different; just try it and see if it works.

If you have the disk your computer came with the audi driver should be on that as well.

If you don't know what motherboard your pc has read the system information on bootup, it should say somewhere in there.  If you're still not sure go to and look at their mobo's, and see if any of those names remotely match what it says on boot.
I didnt think of mobo audio drivers, i'll do that, I'll see if i can find the mobo # in the BIOS if not i'll open it up.  Lol, I got this laptop from

I'll try that tonight, i'll keep u updated

thx guys
I couldnt find the mobo # under the BIOS, I do know that its an Nvidia BIOS and a Intel 865G chipset.  I got out my manaul that came with it and found out the intel part.  My Mom really doesnt want me taking it apart to find it.  I did find recent drivers through from realtek, August 27, 2004, like over 8mb file, I'll see if that will work.  lol, the BIOS on this thing is like on the old 300mhz computers I work on at school, so I guess they havent upgraded the BIOS interface that much.
Well i installed the new realtek drivers and it says August 1, 2004. I tested my mike out on cs and I still sound garbeled. I'll try but I doubt I can find anything there, not a very reliable website for support and drivers from my experience.
yeah i know, i'm about to just give up and deal with it.  It works fine on my other 3 comps on cs.  I dont think it matters but here's my microphone,  I tried my brothers microphones/headsets on my comp with the problem and they do the same thing yet work fine on the other 3 comps.  So i dont think its even remotely my mike.  I have XP pro, my other 3 comps that are not the problem are all XP home.  I doubt that would be a factor.  I'm stumped, can anyone think of anything else or give me driver links to try?  Any help is much appreciated  
just a update. I just redid my OS yesterday and hopefully whatever was wrong or some setting that was changed is back to defaut so to say and maybe it will work fine. I sure hope so.
There maybe an old startup command that could fix the voice problem. I'm not sure. It's the default value, but some have it set to different values which sometimes causes simliar problem as urs. Ill see if i can find it.
Thats what i was afraid of.  I'll mess around with audio drivers some more.  My other laptop, the mic works fine and its the same setup, so i dont get it.  The other laptop is a Compaq 3045US, and the mic worked fine on it with the same sound drivers and everything.  So i'll see what i can do.  My bro (car nut) has the same sound on his desktop.  My other bro has a audigy 2 ZS.

Thanks hescominsoon.
1280*1024*32 for native desktop (both screens) and for cs and most games, why?  I dont see how that could affect anything but with computers you never know.
Ok, the firmware upgrade went good.  And now i just have to figure out how to use it.  And the microphone issue, i installed new drivers and they are oct27,2004 and i havent gotten a chance to play cs with them or with the bigger screen resolution of 1024*768 on one monitor.  Crossing my fingers.
unfortuantly nope. It appears to be my laptop and hardware configuration and steam. Instant messengers and teamspeak, works fine. Just steam.
Hold it, when you go on CS, do u turn on Teamspeak before u turn on CS?

Similar issue happens with CS and Ventrilo, if u turn on one after the other, it'll crash up the voice system. I had this problem when i had a Audigy, but i got a new motherboard with i875 onboard sound card (proly better then that, or as good).
yea... our sound card is pretty much nothing. a chip 0n me motherboard. same with our graphics. >.< our computer would be fine otherwise... but i DO think that hescominsoon is right. our sound card is good ENOUGH for cs...

Creative's SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS and such are very nice.. but some of the older Audigy has bugs where microphone crashes if it's used by two or more system that use the microphone. (such as ventrilo, teampeak, and other ingame voice games.)
I don't use teamspeak or any other chat program except steam.  I've given up on trying to find a solution.  Based on my opinion and others opinions, i can propose that the integrated realtek AC'97 audio card is having capatibility issues with my current software/hardware configuration and/or steam.  So thanks for everyones help and imput.
