Nov/Dec updates


New Member
I must amit I lost a lot of interest after playing the same grind game for 3 weeks so FFXIV has been on the back burner for me while I play some other titles I've been meaning to get to. Like I said before, I'll give them till the end of the year and see how the December update goes.

For me, the make or break issue is the engagement of the goal oriented content. If it's there I might put up with more, but right now there is nothing to do but grind for grinding's sake. Relaxing the leveling curve to 20 is also a good step and I wonder what they mean by changing how SP are awarded. Hopefully they will create some meaningful group content, because right now there is none.

Some good things in that list, but very vauge overall.
For me, the make or break issue is the engagement of the goal oriented content. If it's there I might put up with more, but right now there is nothing to do but grind for grinding's sake. Relaxing the leveling curve to 20 is also a good step and I wonder what they mean by changing how SP are awarded. Hopefully they will create some meaningful group content, because right now there is none.

Some good things in that list, but very vauge overall.

For me as a crafter, I have had a feeling of accomplishment a few times.
I remember first week or so when i crafted a helmet that was several ranks above what i could count on succeeding with - and had only materials + gil for one attempt.

Right now my goal as DoW is mainly
1) To get to next story mission
2) To collect materials and crystals for crafting

As for the nov/dec updates, NMs and that hamlet defence stuff will be interesting to see what it is and how they implement it. As will companies and company owned houses and boats.
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Looks a like a lot of good stuff coming up...but I probably won't continue my sub after this month...but I might be looking back into the game in March...
It's encouraging to see SE trying to mop up the mess they've made, no matter how big or little it is, regarding FFXIV. I had a ton of hope for this game, and I still do. As someone else said, I've decided to let it sit on the backburner for a while. Hopefully, SE will add more interesting things to it. That same leve grind every other day or so is just not for me right now. I love story, and FFXIV has so much potential for story-based gameplay with their cinematics and brand, that I don't understand why it's so spaced out between leve grinds. It feels like it chugs along lore-wise. :(

Anyhow, these updates do encourage me some. I will be sitting out for the time-being though.
Well, hope to see you sooner or later ingame, at PS/3 launch in march maybe?

Grouped with a bunch of guys this weekend and did a few behests and it was a total blast. Havent had so much fun in a long time :)

It was really intense to try to keep those aldgoats away from the conj and thaum in group so they could keep healing. We were all around rank 15 and did a rank 20 behest - maybe a bit underleveled group but it was loads of fun and chaos.

Hope to be able to do something like that in this LS sometime (and preferably with voice chat to keep the chaos to a minimum :P)
Subjobs, faster than before

If any of you guys think about returning to this game its really easy to burn through the lower ranks right now after november update.

SE changed the SP system and its different now. Actually I thinks its somewhat broken since getting from 0 -> 20 in any DoW or DoM job is much faster now from guildleves, after 20 its actually harder than it used to be.

My guess is that there will be further patching that will change this.

Yesterday I started Thaum. Crafted myself a staff and fetched a bunch of low lvl levequests.

Went to rank 1 camp, activated first guildleve at one star and when that leve was finished my thaum dinged rank 5. just crazy!

Did a few more leves and all in all dinged 10 within an hour of starting the job.

So if you plan on returning to this game, getting a support job or two to rank 20 now might be a good idea.

Oh, and the UI updates in this last patch is really nice
If any of you guys think about returning to this game its really easy to burn through the lower ranks right now after november update.

SE changed the SP system and its different now. Actually I thinks its somewhat broken since getting from 0 -> 20 in any DoW or DoM job is much faster now from guildleves, after 20 its actually harder than it used to be.

My guess is that there will be further patching that will change this.

Yesterday I started Thaum. Crafted myself a staff and fetched a bunch of low lvl levequests.

Went to rank 1 camp, activated first guildleve at one star and when that leve was finished my thaum dinged rank 5. just crazy!

Did a few more leves and all in all dinged 10 within an hour of starting the job.

So if you plan on returning to this game, getting a support job or two to rank 20 now might be a good idea.

Oh, and the UI updates in this last patch is really nice

Updated earlier today...plan on jumping back in sometime in the next few days...thanks for the info! :)
Nice. I just read over the Nov. update and I'll likely have to jump back in game soon and check it out. Still no great changes in content though, but the grind may be more bareable with reduced UI lag.
I agree with most of you..I still have hopes for this game but I am playing LOTRO online right now until this game is actually fun to play. I would rather have fun now and join the "wait and see" what happens with this game, if anything good....Plus Bioware is coming out with a Star Wars MMORPG soon WOOT!