Prayer please


New Member
Hey ever'one

I feel the need to open up to you and ask for prayer for two things.

One, that the spirit of fear would leave my girlfriend, (the devil seems to have a grip over her making her afraid of surgery)

and two, that she wouldn't need surgery. She seems to have a problem with her bladder, and it is serious enough that she may need surgery to fix it.

I have faith enough to see her healed through this, and I'm asking you guys to believe with me that she will not need surgery from a human because the best surgeon there is (God), will do the job perfectly through a miracle if it his will.
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surgery is no fun...
I have never had bladder surgery but have had knee ankle and shoulder surgery all within 13 months of each other...
In any case, I'll be praying...
nope... she gets her teeth out thursday.... she still is very sensitive about the whole topic so i dont talk about it... which is ironic cause my last wisdom tooth is hurting so bad that im getting her pain before her *laughs*
yea.... im glad i wasnt crying... i felt like screaming... but if i open my mouth too much it hurts like crazy and makes me want to scream more... so i just shut up
so thats how you get kids to be quiet... hm... might have to experiment on that one
Hahahh yes.... quite... anyway, her surgery went well, the anesthetist pissed her off..... lol he was "teasing" her for her faith... such as "what school you go to?" *it has a chrsitian in the title* "a Christian school eh? well this interveneous is going to hurt like hell" *rolls eyes* man if that had been me, ida said sumthin like Well if you dont stop, i may have to send you to hell. lol SO! Good reports ALLL around, thankyou all for your prayers :)
the anestisiologist? however you spell that...i'd be more inclined to plaster his face to the wall with my fist...yup, shoot first ask questions later...tha's me..sadly