
if a tree falls and noone is around, does it still make a noise?
But, how did we solve it? To see if it made a sound then we would have to be there to hear it. Which would mean that someone was around which caused the sound.
Sound is really just vibrations made into electrical signals which our brains can make sense of. Since these vibrations occur wether or not human ears are present to convert it into recognisable 'noise' doesn't affect wether those vibrations occur.

Does gravity exist if there is nothing around to feel the effects?
"Lord, can I borrow your physics book?"

"When did you make the dinosaurs, and do you happen to make a film of them?"

"What kind of car would you drive if you had to drive to 'work'?"
Here's one: the mother of all questions; the cream of the philosophical stumpers, the veritable peak of human curiosity-piquers (sp?)

Here it is: *ahem*

Why oh why, am I so utterly, unforgivably bad at Tribes!? :mad:
hmm, why is it that: most of murphys laws of things that can go wrong, are true? and why cant tn3 get into cal-m >_<