
Reco Suave

New Member
Hey guys. Just wanted to post a good strat that I saw for Razorgore. I really am excited to get some new content. I have not had alot of opportunity to do BWL and really want to see Team Eternity get to the next level. Some of you still need alot of MC gear but as soon as we can get through Domo and Rhag this is what we have to look forward to in the first boss fight in BWL. No trash mobs to clear zone in and start working. So everyone get your game face on when we do MC so we can keep progessing.

Razorgore Strat..

Well I can tell you our strat. We have all of the warriors kite the legos, the hunters kite the dragonkin and the rest of the raid kills mages as they spawn. Mages will sheep legos if they get onto the dps and the warriors grab the sheeps while they kite around.

We have warriors do a figure 8 around the room, using the balconies to jump off of and keep the adds at a distance. They need to run to the edge and wait for their train to catch up then jump off right before they get attacked and run to the opposite side and repeat. They shouldn't get hit much but have healers watching them. The hunters do the same I think..I'm not exactly sure what they do but I think they have to use a sting to keep the dragons from leaving their train. If you have warriors with PH they should be using it as much as possible on everyones trains as they pass each other..so the hunters will need to have some aggro on the dragons in order to keep them from going to the warriors upon PH. If Dragons get on warriors it's not good.

Oh..also, we break our raid up into 4 groups, putting one group at each spawn corner. Groups 1 and 2 on the east side, 3 and 4 on South etc etc.

You'll need to spread the groups around so that one group isn't all kiters or else you'll have no dps to kill mages in that section. Each corner is responsible for killing mages within their section as well as sheeping legos that come out unatended, and sleeping Dragonkin that aren't grabbed by hunters. So it's nice to have enough druids and mages to spread around in each area to protect the non kiters.

Mean while you have someone on the orb killing eggs as fast as possible..we use a Warlock because they are the least useful on this phase. I suppose a rogue would be alright too. If things go bad and you only have a few eggs left, call for a collapse. In this situation the person controlling Razor will use his flame AE attack which draws aggro from everything in the room. Just keep doing it and then go back to breaking eggs. Now, everything will now attack Razor and you don't want him dying..so you have everyone collapse to Razor and use AE fears, sleeps, sheeps, anything to keep things off of him. Keep him healed and stuff and once he gets too low on hp then have him DIed. The mobs will then go back to their old targets and you can continue kiting and what not for the last few eggs. If you're calling for a collapse it's usually pretty hairy so just try to keep people alive for phase 2 and get the eggs down fast.

Phase 2 is easy..there are a few different ways to do it..but we just have all of the warriors fight him for aggro in a corner. He faces into the corner at all times. Have the tanks watch MT targets target and if anyone gets aggro they jump into the corner fast to keep him turned. Only the person tanking him is in the corner infront of him. The other warriors are behind him so they don't get hit by the conical confuse thing. Not much to it other than that.
i read first mini paragraph and lost yah, kinda like when new people come on for MC raid and i fall asleep or daze while avesther talks strats...like i did with my first MC run he was explaining but i was getting orange juice and grapes till it actually started lol.
its possible to get through MC with people sleeping at the wheel, but if you are caught sleeping at the wheel in BWL...you probably won't be invited back. BWL is all about executing the strats perfectly...every time. Sloppiness and laziness = wiped group, every time. The margin for error may be 20 feet in MC, its measured in quarter of inches in BWL. Big difference, huge difference. The difference is so great that people may not want to do BWL after two weeks of constant wipes on the first pull, costing them 20g a week.

The first pull in BWL is a boss, so is the second. Both of which make Domo and Rag look like drop outs from the Mickey Mouse club. Just a thought...come prepared, meaning have that jug of juice and grapes beside you before logging on for the evening.
Its not that hard of a fight, its about total execution of the strategy correctly. There are many workable strats for Razorgore, the one in the video is different then the one I'm used to which is different then the one my brothers guild uses which is different from the one Reco posted.
It was from the warrior's POV doing the figure 8's around the ramps, kiting the dragonkin. I didn't quite understand it when Reco explained it, but made perfect sense in the video. I also like how as soon as you enter BWL, you go to this room. I am looking forward to when Team Eternity goes there. =)
Your second pull in BWL is a boss.

Then a little bit of trash then the supression room at the end of which is the third boss.

Then you pull two or three pulls of trash, then the fourth boss (First drake)

Then a couple more tech packs, then the fifth boss (Second drake)

Then a couple more teck packs, then the sixth boss (Third drake)

Then you have the three Gaurdians, which aren't difficult but can be viewed as a mini-boss in the tactics you need to use to take them down.

Then the seventh boss, Chromagmus.

Then the eigth boss, Neferian.

Once on farm status, the whole instance is under 4 hours.
Most of the bosses need to be positioned EXACTLY right in order not to wipe the raid as for Razorgore it seems best to have druids sleep the dragonkins instead of sheeped as if one is loose a hunter can easily multi shot and pick up a couple....aspect of the monkey can keep you alive
Razorgore is easily one of the hardest bosses in BWL... consequently he is the first pull. If your looking from the entrance into BWL, you need to have group 1 and 2 control Razorgore (a paladin) and have another paladin chain the warriors and dragon kin around the room, groups 3 and 4 in the upper left corner killing mages as they come out; groups 5 and 6 in the upper right killing mages and 7 and 8 in the lower right hand corner.

Have the person controlling Razorgore kill the eggs, and then once all the eggs are gone, the mobs disappear and then you kill razorgore. Sounds pretty complicated, and it is. But its not that hard.
BWL Guide

Here is a nice section on BWL from Curse Gaming. Enjoy!

However after reading it I know now that I need a lot more FR and some better gear!