"Red Run" or "Tek's Silly Idea"


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Tribe of Judah's 14th anniversary celebration starts later this month. I know that Stonemaul server population took a nosedive some time after Cataclysm was released and I also know that Redeemed doesn't have nearly as many active members as it did in past years.

But Redeemed, past and present, is still a very important part of Tribe of Judah and I'd like to do something to honor its legacy, its present active members, and, most importantly, God who has sustained us individually and corporately over the last decade.

So I had this crazy idea to get as many people together on Stonemaul as possible. If you all think this is crazy, then you can dismiss it completely. But I thought you might at least get a chuckle out of it. :)

I thought it would be fun for everyone in ToJ who still plays WoW, whether you still have a character in Redeemed or not, to roll a level 1 character (we could hold a poll for which race to roll or even choose different faces) whose name starts with "Red." We could name them something fun, like "Redonkulous" or something better suited to identify each other both during the event and in screenshots, like Red + our ToJ handle (e.g. I would be Redtek).

We could then have a Mage volunteer create a portal or a Warlock volunteer summon players to a location of choice. (Imagine 2 full groups of level 1 characters sitting on top of the Dark Portal!)

Everyone could bring whatever non-level-specific items they'd like, dress their characters up in silly outfits, bring fun consumables like snowballs, and just ham it up for screenshots.

Of course, we could also all get together on TeamSpeak just to chat and get back in touch.

Ideally, the event would span more than one night and be held at different times of day because not all members can get on at the same time.

And for those who've since left WoW for other games, members willing to do so could send Scrolls of Resurrection to players who request them and haven't already received one in the past.

Again, it's just a silly idea I brainstormed, but I think it could be a lot of fun and serve as a great way to honor Redeemed's long legacy.

What do you think?
Sounds fun.

I think a low level 20 or 30 something dungeon would also be fun, like SM.
Maybe we could go around chanting Red rum, red rum? Oh wait no, that's different.
Maybe we could go around chanting Red rum, red rum? Oh wait no, that's different.
It is different, but it's also what I had in mind when I named the thread. :)

And characters on free accounts can't join guilds. :(

We could still coordinate using TeamSpeak, though.
My main account is not active, but I have a trial account with a few toons on stonemaul. If u guys decide to do this and I am available, I can hop on or create a new lvl 1. :)