This is directed toward Adam, but if anyone else wants to chime in, please do
I was looking at Rueage's talents in both Combat and Assassination. When do you use each tree? Is Combat for general grind and Assassination for PvP? What do you use for raiding?
Mimbari's talents are not much different from your Combat tree (fist/dagger rather than sword/mace is the only difference I am planning) and I just wanted to know what the benefit of having a pure dps'er dual specc'd is.
Thanks Adam (and everyone else)
I was looking at Rueage's talents in both Combat and Assassination. When do you use each tree? Is Combat for general grind and Assassination for PvP? What do you use for raiding?
Mimbari's talents are not much different from your Combat tree (fist/dagger rather than sword/mace is the only difference I am planning) and I just wanted to know what the benefit of having a pure dps'er dual specc'd is.
Thanks Adam (and everyone else)