Shadow Warrior Commentary


New Member
Merry CHRIST-mas Redeemed!
Consider this video my present to the guild.

It is footage of my Shadow Warrior, Rank 24-29, in Scenarios.
But what is different than before, is I commentate on the video.
Yes, you get to hear my lovely voice explain things :)
Also, I made the video in HD mode, which actually looks good in You Tube.

You Tube ->
File Front ->;12759923;/fileinfo.html

Please feel free to comment on my commentary, as it is the first time I have done one :cool:
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Merry Christmas to you too!

Very nicely done video.

What scrolling combat text mobs do you use?
Nice video... some of your comments remind me of me when I'm playing. :D

Good strategies... guess I'm speccing skirmisher with my SW.