
Depends on what you mean by sinlessness.
Christ was sinless
Adam and Eve were sinless before they made the choice to eat the forbidden fruit.
We will be sinless in Heaven.
2/3's of the angels are sinless.
Are we sinless? Nope. Not even after salvation.
Can we ever be sinless? Not till we get to Heaven.
Did you read the blog that sums up what I think. But I want to know if to do you think a sinless life is possible after salvation(so others in the forum will know sorry for not being specific).
But I don't agree with your last 2 phrases but I'm interested in hearing why you think that we cannot reach a sinless life in this world. even tho it is an extremly hard task to accomplish I think its possible with the assistance of the Holy Spirit.
One of the great passages about dealing with sin in our life:

But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. 1 John 1:9 (NLT)

The bookends on this verse are pretty clear about our sinlessness in this life.

If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth. 1 John 1:8 (NLT)

If we claim we have not sinned, we are calling God a liar and showing that his word has no place in our hearts. 1 John 1:10 (NLT)
well what is ment by those scriptures is that no one can live an entire life without sin( except Christ). my Question was do you think after salvation is it possible to live a life where we refuse to sin and live as Christ did without sin. I mean I am lacking in this concept but I strive so that in my life sin isn't norm and is unacceptable and that the perfection that Christ paid for will not be in vain.
my Question was do you think after salvation is it possible to live a life where we refuse to sin and live as Christ did without sin.

My answer is, "No. We cannot." Those verses I noted say that if we think we can, we deceive ourselves and call God a liar.

The verses you cite in your blog, from Paul (Romans 7), were written towards the end of his life shortly before he was martyred. There are probably few people who were more ardently seeking to follow Christ than Paul - yet he still acknowledged his struggle with sin right up to the end. We wrestle with it our whole lives, until we are glorified.
Even with the Holy Spirit in our lives we are still human. We will still sin, it is our job to do our best not to sin, but it is a part of who we are.
sorry didn't mean to make you think that is my blog it isn't its an evangelist/ frontman of a.Christian metal band. but ill agree to disagree have a good night.
Hello Pelagius. The doctrine of sinlessness has been around awhile. I feel it is another way to incorrectly elevate man's participation above God's Sovereign grace and election. Paul talks about this frequently.

"2Watch out for those dogs, those men who do evil, those mutilators of the flesh. 3For it is we who are the circumcision, we who worship by the Spirit of God, who glory in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh— 4though I myself have reasons for such confidence." - Philippians 3

The "sinless perfection" fallacy gets on the old Pharisee bandwagon do-gooderism of sin management and hiding our true nature. Since we all sin (the bar was raised by Christ above the old testament for now we must obey God completely with ALL of our heart and ALL of our mind) then when we do fall short we invariably find a way to lower the bar again. "That really wasn't sin" and ... like John says "we deceive ourselves".

Let us read in I John 1:8-”If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”

Now, the next time you hear a so-called “sinless preacher” or “falling from grace” person tell you how holy he is, you just recall this verse, and remember that it states that such a person does not have the truth in him, and is deceived by himself. Yes, they deceive themselves, the verse says. Do you know what that means? It simply means that a person has hypocritically lied and said that he is sinless, and he has said it so long, he has deceived himself. You know, you can tell a lie for the truth so long that you yourself will believe it. That’s the case with so-called “sinless perfectionists.” They have deceived themselves.

But notice I John 1:10-”If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.”

You know, if a person were to say, “God you are a liar!” we would think that it is a horrible blasphemy. Well, when the so-called sinless, holy people of this world say they have no sin in the flesh, they make God a liar. Let’s read the verse again: “If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us” (I John 1:10).

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I haven't yet taken the time to really dig in to that blog article, but I'm reminded a lot of the Holiness movement by what I glossed over earlier.

It's an interesting idea, for sure. We are in at least some sense new creations in Christ, right (II Corinthians 5)? We are told to resist the devil (James 4). It is said that we won't be tempted beyond what we can bear, and that there will be a way out when tempted (I Corinthians 10). The idea of being able to be sinless in this mortal life doesn't seem absurd to me, and I could see resistance to the idea being perceived as an excuse to overlook the continuation of personal sins.

But then I approach things with a broader view of salvation, rather than narrowing in on potential prooftext selections from Scripture, and the idea seems a bit less viable. Salvation consists of three distinct but interwoven things: Justification ("you have been saved," the pardoning of sinners for reconciliation with the Father through the work of Christ), Sanctification ("you are being saved" while becoming more like Christ through abiding in Him and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit), and Glorification ("you will be saved" by the completed work of Christ in us in heaven).

Living believers have already been justified and are now being sanctified. We are to "no longer conform to the patterns of the world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds" (Romans 12). But this is a process that takes a lifetime of intentional effort and the strength of the Spirit. More difficult yet, though, is that Paul plainly links sinful desire to the flesh (I just read and re-read again Romans 7 and 8 especially), this body that has been affected by sin just as all have since the Fall. Though we are alive in Christ, and though we are not in the same fashion as we were slaves to sin, we are plagued by a duality of natures until the time of glorification comes.

We may reject an urge to sin, and we most certainly can be forgiven for our sins, but it seems to me that the sin nature remains a part of our being while still in this corrupted flesh.

That'd be my two cents, anyhow.

Edit: Read the article. Actually liked most of it a good deal. If taken as a commentary on our part in the process of sanctification, I can get behind the bulk of it happily (except for the use of caps lock for emphasis; I can't get behind that :P ). But I can't get behind the author's claim that we are already glorified, and that's where the trouble comes in.

And that brings me back to your question: Do you believe it is possible to live a life, after being justified by Christ's salvific work, without sin as Christ himself did? To this, I still say no. We can (and by all means should!) become more like Christ in our love for God and fellow humanity. We can (and also should) become less and less resembling of the corrupted worldliness that surrounds us (and, side note, become tools of reconciliation used by God to draw the world back to Himself). But, until we reach ultimate glory, we will still be at odds with the lingering sin nature, and we will still be imperfect and fall short along the way; we just work and lean on the Spirit to reduce the frequency and depth of our falls while strengthening our strides towards love.
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The question would be, does anyone know someone who is currently living a sinless life? Based on observation and admission from those around me, I can say that there is no one in my life that even comes close. Thank God for His amazing grace.
If the question is simply, "Is it possible". I would answer yes it is possible. But, it won't ever happen.

The more one focuses on being sinless the more one must focus on the law. Then sin takes hold and cause us to stumble (Romans 8).

In my advancing years, I have found the focus needs to be on the relationship which will lead me away from sin. However, the closer I grow to my Creator and Savoir the more I understand how sinful I am. It is a paradox.

So, I answer your question paradoxically. It is possible, but impossible.
A man once proudly told me how he had spent the last 10 years living without sin. I asked him how it felt to start over....
A man once proudly told me how he had spent the last 10 years living without sin. I asked him how it felt to start over....

Nice, that tells you something right there. He was not displaying the humility of Christ and prideful of himself.

Mark 7:21-23

New Living Translation (NLT)

21 For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, 22 adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. 23 All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you.”