So ready to be home.


New Member
Home from the hospital and just wanted to take a quick moment to send an update on my mom. She is still in ICU but she did finally get off the vent on Sunday. What a day of praise that was. Now our specific prayer is that we can get her off some nasty blood pressure medication and that we can put off dialysis for a while longer.

Hope to be home sometime this week. Gary brought the kids to see me this weekend and that was fantastic but he is back home now and I miss them already.

Thanks so much for all of your prayers. Guess What? I am back at home which is fantastic. I will head back to my parents place on Friday but with Gary and the kids. She is still in ICU but is off the vent. They are still holding off on any dialysis because her kidneys are just barely functioning at about 10% level. We are hoping to get her blood pressure stabilized (it has been way too low) and off the medication then we might talk dialysis again. The hardest thing before I took off yesterday was looking at skilled nursing homes for a hopefully temporary stop on the way home for some serious physical therapy.

Ok hope to see you in game either tonight or tomorrow night while I am home.

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