So you think you can dance?


Legacy of Elijah Guild Leader
Volcanon and his charr brethren sure can't. But now there's hope! How to dance Vol 1 and lion cub are now in the gem store.
Looks like we're also going to be getting the chance to buy permanent sickles and axes, and that we are going to have a Canthan New Year celebration, rebooted as "Dragon Festival".

Nevermind the weirdness of a "Dragon Festival" while the world is being decimated by... dragons.

There's also a remote mystic forge and crafting stations in there, along with new armor skins.

Kinda disappointed that the dance book is a gem store item. Back in one of the BWE's people found an NPC that had a title like "dance instructor" or something similar. Would have been nice to get more dances within the game somehow, rather than just farming gold to buy gems.
Yeah, exciting @ the dragon festival comment. Hadn't even thought of that! Also, eyeball weapons. Should note: the new dance moves are same ones you can get from the box-o-funs. Now I can be both gigantic AND dancing! Awww yeah!