Spec switching for X-Pac


Active Member
So with BC just around the corner, many things are gonna change. I know that most ppl will want to explore new specs.

As a pally I know that the 60-62 zones are like ALL demons and I can do some serious DPS with my holy dmg. I imagine alot of priests will spec holy dmg, druids going feral, etc.

So how should this affect loot. Now that I have +480healing all of my tier1+extras and hit the top of the healing charts every raid, am I allowed to start preparing for BC? I have a grip of DKP and would love to use it on a big, slow 2hander like an OEB or Spinal Reaper. I would like to grab some plate items with +str as well. I will still be raiding and grouping with TE members in BC so any loot I grab will still help the "team". I have put in the hours and dedication to earn the DKP so is it ok to start planning for the future and grab some loots accordingly?

I ask this from a pally position, but it applies to all classes.
That is a very interesting question. Essentially you have 10 levels to grind again and raiding builds tend to be slower grinding builds. From every indication I get from the forums and the new protection spell abilities, having a paladin end game tank is going to be an option post BC. Well I be able to roll on +defense gear?
Technically it was said from almost the first MC raid, that once MC is on farm that loot becomes open. So maybe this is mute point and its time to start letting ppl use DKP however they see is best for them.
yeah but this is not just for me...others will be thinking along these lines and we should have a plan for how to deal with it.
the big slow 2 hander I dont really see who else would need it anymore or any less, we really dont run with DPS warriors as much either and if you have all that dkp why not let you use it. +defense gear should still go to Main Tanks first, and if you are a viable main tank pally and are being used as one then wouldnt that include you anyway? Is there much trouble with you seeing plate drop that you could use but cant roll on? I dont see much dropping really except the FR plate that keeps getting DE'd that isnt Might set pieces.
Agreed on all points. I am not trying to make a fuss. I am just thinking of the future and want to clear things with the raid leaders and team before hand. It mostly applys to the hybrids but all classes have a "raid" spec vs a "leveling" spec and I am sure most of us will want to swap out for a while.

As long as everyone acts with the team in mind as much as possible, using their DKP on items they will USE, there should be no issue. You put in the hours, its your DKP, why not use it for the spec you will be for the new grind.
If paladins are going to make viable main tanks in the expansion, and Mirakle is intending on getting it, then why not let him get +defense gear. (Not saying that Where is against it however.) I know Sandric is looking for +defense gear now.