Stats and New Media Homepages


New Member
February is winding down, but PureFun is still strong! This week we bring you two new features:

- Stats. You can now view, in near-real time, various information about PureFun, such as the number of registered users, details that have been entered, or the number of reviews we have. Soon you'll be able to view the most popular items and reviews on PureFun through this page.
- Revamped Media Homepages. Under the letter selection of media homepages (games, movies, music, books), you can now easily list all items of that type, list reviews for that type, or add a new item via our Contribute page. For games, you can also filter games that only appear on a specific console (such as PS2).

We look forward to bringing you more quality features in the weeks to come, so stay tuned and keep contributing! =)

God bless,

Tom McGuire