
Hello all! Just wanted to make a brief post that I'll be playing Star Wars: The Old Republic once I get my early access authorization (should be Thursday or Friday). I'm pretty burned out on Aion. I'm tired of grinding for AP and the game mechanics. My Aion sub expires sometime the first week of January, so I may be on from time to time on the Siel or Israphel servers... mainly checking broker and putting more stuff up for sale. I may resub later depending on how things go with SWTOR, but I don't want to pay for two subs at the same time.

By the way, I joined the ToJ Empire guild, Called From Darkness. We're on the Warriors of the Shadow server. The SWTOR ToJ forums are here: http://www.cgalliance.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=209
I just got into SWTOR today :)
I will be playing in a PVE server, since I'm not into PVPs.
I am in Space Slug, and I'll be going for a light sith inquisitor.
was wondering what happen to to you
yep i have friends playing it too
as much as i like to play swtor with them and you guys
a lack of money and some big bills coming up prevent me
I just got into SWTOR today :)
I will be playing in a PVE server, since I'm not into PVPs.
I am in Space Slug, and I'll be going for a light sith inquisitor.
I'm still debating on light vs dark. There's a big debate over that on the SWTOR side of the forums. I was going to go Inquisitor, but it looks like a lot of other people are too, so I may do Imperial Agent.

PvP on SWTOR can't be nearly as bad as Aion. I don't like gear-oriented PvP. It takes too much grinding to get PvP armor on Aion, then socketing is a nightmare. I'm hoping the PvP on SWTOR is more skill-oriented. I'm planning to roll just one or two toons on the server that ToJ is on. If the server is full of PvP griefers, then I'll switch to a PvE server.

was wondering what happen to to you
yep i have friends playing it too
as much as i like to play swtor with them and you guys
a lack of money and some big bills coming up prevent me
Understandable. Hopefully the game will drop in price a bit after Christmas. They announced that time cards will be offered, so maybe some places will discount them. That's how I've been doing Aion so I can play for about $10 per month without a long term commitment.