Temberette 2: The Sequel now playing


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
I am most pleased to announce the birth of my and Ember's new daughter!

I'm posting this from a smartphone, so I'll keep it brief but add that baby and mama are doing great.

This child is an answer to years of prayer and truly a gift from God.

I'll share the birth story another time, but rest assured it's one for the ages. :)
Pics or it didn't happen :p .
Show off that adorable mug before she grows to the point of requiring anonymity.

Seriously though I am glad all is well and we have a new Princess, thank you Jesus. May she grow in Christ and make the world a better place, even more than she has already :) .
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Wahooty new baby and all is well. Let Ember know we are praying for y'all and rejoice with you. Let us know when she is ready to play GW3.
Smiles I was hoping you'd post something soon......since I have a tiny bit of the scoop but not enough to tell the "real story" I do know that Ember was blessed with a very quick delivery.....nothing like the first performance several years ago. One of them is going to have to tell the breaking event soon.

Yippy for one more of God's true blessings and to add to a much deserving family........by the way those of you who need proof will just have to take my word for it. I saw a snapshot........and to quote my little miss, "oh she's sooo cute." Mommy please send this text........"She sooo adorable and cute." Love little miss, mommy, and daddy, and kaykee.......nickname for Keiko our cat. Ember got a kick out of how my little one has me relay messages. But I will have to say from my personal opinion she is beautiful......almost as much as my own.

Blessings and Hugs, "Angel"
I do know that Ember was blessed with a very quick delivery.....nothing like the first performance several years ago.

Well of course she's got practice in now :p . With her going pro she could offer a "30 minute delivery or your money back guarantee" with her next one. She'll probably steal Tek's game and get in a few rounds of "Puzzles and Dragons" while waiting it will be so casual. Of course that's if they change their minds and decide on a trilogy. Just don't go for a prequel after that then you end up with Jar-Jar.
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Change that to 45 minutes and you're not too far off. O_O If there's a trilogy, I can't even imagine. Maybe like 5 min.
To quote Pa Kettle in "Back on The Farm" when he thought Ma Kettle was in labor, "Shucks, after a while it's just like shelling peas."
Ok folks. I'm at a real keyboard finally, so I can tell this crazy story. But I'll still try to keep it succinct. Tek may chime in with additional details if he wants. I started typing and realized there was probably way too much information (not in the usual TMI way...just in the wall of text way). So I'm trying again.

So his work alarm went off at 7 am Wednesday morning. I woke up and was like oh okay another night and nothing happened. I got up to use the restroom, and shortly after, I felt what seemed like a mild contraction. It was a stark contrast though to when I went into labor with our first daughter...strong contractions at about 2.5 min apart from the get-go. I was actually like yay if this is labor, I'll actually get to work up to this gradually this time.

I took a shower just in case, and the hot water was really soothing so I felt pretty fine while I was in there. Around 7:50 things were moving along, but still not as bad as it started with our firstborn so I wasn't 100% convinced. Thankfully though, I had Tek call my parents to come get our 3 yo just in case, and they had her by 7:55. Sometime around 8, things ramped up FAST. So fast that something in me clicked and I told Tek to call an ambulance because I thought we might not make it to the hospital.

Ambulance came. By then it was crazy intense. They got me on the gurney and we started on our way toward the hospital. Before we got very far, something else in me clicked and I announced that I needed to push. The EMT looked and saw the baby's head so they pulled over. In two pushes, our second daughter was born. In the back of an ambulance in a Walmart parking lot less than a mile from our home. Time of birth was 8:40 am. So an hour and 40 minutes from when I woke up without a single clue. Or 45 minutes from when my parents came to get my first daughter and I was just starting to believe it was likely that I'd deliver that day.

I laughed all day at the absurdity of the whole thing. Makes for a good story. But if we have more children, we'll for sure need to have a game plan lol. Thank God we were both fine.

Sorry but Tek has vetoed posting pics of our children on here. Just trust me that she's super adorable. ;)
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Oh but trust me, it's nothing like shelling peas LOL :P

I told Tek, it was something like this:
Weeks/months leading up to birth - I think I'd like to try again at a natural birth
Early labor - eh I don't think I want a natural birth after all
Intense labor - I really do NOT want a natural birth
Right before delivery - Uhhhh I guess I'm getting my natural birth lol

So there's one off the bucket list. Right now I think I'd never like to do that again. But give me time I'll probably start thinking something like, "I've done it before I can do it again." Crazy Ember. I think I'd prefer to be in a hospital next time though.
...our second daughter was born. In the back of an ambulance in a Walmart parking lot...
WOW you really can get everything at Walmart!

Sorry but Tek has vetoed posting pics of our children on here. Just trust me that she's super adorable. ;)

I thought he probably would :) . I figured he'd put them on his site if anywhere though not here.
I agree, ya cans gets anything at Stuff Mart. At least with a good EMT team. I would get that particular team a nice gift and a big thank you.
So fast that something in me clicked and I told Tek to call an ambulance because I thought we might not make it to the hospital.
Praise God for this. Our second was much quicker as well (just not this quick). Good to hear everyone is doing okay (though I expect much sleepier). Hopefully your church organizes meals. Ours did (and does) and it was an awesome blessing to not have to make dinner for about a week.
I'm holding the little one as I type this (which makes for slow typing) and can confirm that, yes, baby is beautiful. :)

And while I won't be posting pictures publicly, I have no issue sending links to our baby photo album by PM to folks I trust (which includes everyone on this thread so far).

So if you want to see baby, send me a PM!

Patriot: Yes, our Sunday school class set up a meal schedule and we got our first dinner tonight. It was SO NICE to not have to cook or go get food to get a good meal. :)
I has access but as adorable as baby #1 is I didn't see any recent pictures on your site. Come on how can I live vicariously through you if you don't document these things! Seriously though I was only mildly interested so don't sweat putting anything up if you are as busy as I think.


TEK FORUM BLITZ 2014! He's like a hurricane with forum posting skills! :p
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I has access but as adorable as baby #1 is I didn't see any recent pictures on your site. Come on how can I live vicariously through you if you don't document these things! Seriously though I was only mildly interested so don't sweat putting anything up if you are as busy as I think.
I don't know when I'll be able to upload pictures to my personal site. I may try to set aside a few hours some evening in the near future (if that's even feasible) to upload several batches of new photos because I'm WAY behind.

But the link I have to share is one of an album we purchased from a professional photographer.

This is how it works:

Photographer shows up at your recovery room in the hospital, takes cute pictures of super-cute new baby, offers to sell cute pictures at a price that borders on extortion, new parents cave and spend more money on photos than they really wanted to.

So it's bad news for our wallet, but it's good news for anyone wanting to see pictures because I can just PM a link and a password and you can view the pictures.

But yes, I also plan to post my own photos to my web site. Eventually...

TEK FORUM BLITZ 2014! He's like a hurricane with forum posting skills! :p
I clean house the same way. I'll procrastinate, procrastinate, procrastinate, then clean like a madman until I'm about to pass out. My wife and I call it a "cleaning blitzkrieg." The timing is usually obnoxious, but she's learned to let me keep my momentum if at all possible because, well, I get stuff done.

I'm hoping to get caught up on the forums tonight or tomorrow then just spend a few minutes on the forums each day to stay current. I missed you all A LOT during the cleaning frenzy and it feels really good to get back to posting on and reading these forums again. :)