Ok folks. I'm at a real keyboard finally, so I can tell this crazy story. But I'll still try to keep it succinct. Tek may chime in with additional details if he wants. I started typing and realized there was probably way too much information (not in the usual TMI way...just in the wall of text way). So I'm trying again.
So his work alarm went off at 7 am Wednesday morning. I woke up and was like oh okay another night and nothing happened. I got up to use the restroom, and shortly after, I felt what seemed like a mild contraction. It was a stark contrast though to when I went into labor with our first daughter...strong contractions at about 2.5 min apart from the get-go. I was actually like yay if this is labor, I'll actually get to work up to this gradually this time.
I took a shower just in case, and the hot water was really soothing so I felt pretty fine while I was in there. Around 7:50 things were moving along, but still not as bad as it started with our firstborn so I wasn't 100% convinced. Thankfully though, I had Tek call my parents to come get our 3 yo just in case, and they had her by 7:55. Sometime around 8, things ramped up FAST. So fast that something in me clicked and I told Tek to call an ambulance because I thought we might not make it to the hospital.
Ambulance came. By then it was crazy intense. They got me on the gurney and we started on our way toward the hospital. Before we got very far, something else in me clicked and I announced that I needed to push. The EMT looked and saw the baby's head so they pulled over. In two pushes, our second daughter was born. In the back of an ambulance in a Walmart parking lot less than a mile from our home. Time of birth was 8:40 am. So an hour and 40 minutes from when I woke up without a single clue. Or 45 minutes from when my parents came to get my first daughter and I was just starting to believe it was likely that I'd deliver that day.
I laughed all day at the absurdity of the whole thing. Makes for a good story. But if we have more children, we'll for sure need to have a game plan lol. Thank God we were both fine.
Sorry but Tek has vetoed posting pics of our children on here. Just trust me that she's super adorable.