The Wisdom of Yoda


I enjoy watching science fiction movies. Its fun to watch the starships flying and the lasers blazing. Now of course I understand that they are fantasy stories, but in one such story, there were some very truthful words spoken.

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hatred. Hatred leads to suffering." Yoda, SW Episode I

The more time I spend in the Lord and in fellowship, the more I see the corruption of the world. All around me, there is anger and hatred and spite. There are things that seem normal like making fun of your co-workers, telling dirty jokes, telling someone how much you hate someone else or why this event was the dumbest thing that ever happened. These things are taught as normalcy and if you were to be raised in such environments, it would seem perfectly fine and nature. But from a Christian point of view, from the eye of a God-changed heart, what seems like fun is actually anger.

And lately I've been seeing a lot of that very anger. "Gayle's so retarted." "America is so stupid." "People are dumb because they keep pit bulls as pets." "ALL muslims should die."

I even confronted one person who used to proclaim Christ but seems to have grown cold. I said, "Joe, you seem to have a lot of anger in you." And his short and abrupt reply was, "SO!!!" I was talking to a lady the other night over the computer. She was in a really bad mood and when I tried to comfort her, she told me, "I don't need this."

Now I'm not here to force people to believe in Christ. But it greatly hurts my heart to see people in pain because they seem to hold onto fears and grudges and the like. The employees of our company is not allowed to go across the street to get food because our office manager and one of their managers got in a verbal fight once. So the ban is permanent because one person holds a grudge.

Why do you chose to hang onto anger? Why do you let hurts get the better of you? There is a better way! Let it go! Let all your grudges, your fears, and your angers go, and let God take charge. Yes, there is a God, and yes, He does care for you. Otherwise, you would not be breathing would you?

I guess my real question that I would like your answers/opinions on is this: How do you best help those who are angry, those who are spiteful, and those who are hateful? Do I just leave them alone and let them suffer? Do I just try and be there as a friend in case they need one? Is there a good way to approach them without setting them off? Anybody have any stories or testimonies of helping angry people? I'd love to hear about them.
Whoooo. Anger issues. Deep.

Anger comes from pain, no where else, it is the root. Someone has been hurt so they are angry. It is a poison that leeks into the spirit and kills it.

The best way to deal with anger is to find out the hurt. Then deal with the person. The funny thing is they actually think they are hurting the person they are angry with, like their anger (known or unknown to the other party) actually is doing good. If it was not so sad it would be funny. An example, I am mad at Bob because he took the girl I liked to the dance!- Does Bob know you liked her? No- Does Bob know your mad? No- But I am mad at him! Silly example painful reality.

I always challenge angry people to forgive. I tell them they are trapped by their anger and they need to release the other person and themselves. No one is benefitting from it. If they ignore my advice, then they have a right to live in anger. However, if it is two Christians I get more aggressive and do not let the pain and anger sit. I force a meeting to clean up the toxic wastes.

The hardest part of being a Pastor for me is letting people sin. Anger people bother me, mainly because I was one and I got over it. Anger kills..... you.
sometimes it just makes you feel better to be angry even if there is no logical reason to be angry with the person....
You have a good point there. Anger, in itself, is certainly not a sin. Its an emotion, and even Christ had his moment of extreme anger. For some people, anger is cleansing, or it helps them to focus on an issue that seriously needs focusing on.

But where anger goes bad is in two places:

1. When people hold onto their anger for an unhealthily excessive amount of time, it becomes like a cancer to them, bringing much sorrow and spite to their hearts. And in the long run, it does far more damage than it does good. So in cases like this, when someone has anger that is lasting far longer than it should, it should be passed onto God for Him to handle it and let something else take the place of that anger for a while like concern, dedication, determination, and the like.

2. When the anger is directed towards a person. We are all flawed humans and we all deserve the chance for salvation. Yes, Muslims included. So in cases like this, when someone has anger for someone else, that anger should, instead, be directed to that someone else's deeds. Jesus Christ calls us to love our neighbors, love our enemies, and pray for those who persecute us. Become angry with the sin and become angry with the wrongdoing, but have compassion on the sinner, just as Christ had compassion on you.