Thursday March 22, 2012


Former Official Thread Killer
Sorry for missing last week y'all.

Proverbs 22:29 said:
29 Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men.

Work, most people apply this to what they do for a living. Being an It specialist, or perhaps an artisan of some sort. that is not always the case. Sometimes its the work we do for the Lord that is the skill being talked about here.

Take Joseph for instance, It wasn't just the fact that he was skilled in whatever was given to him to do, it was that he was skilled in the spiritual gift God had granted him. (More that he was skilled in knowing to ask God for help in interpreting dreams... Still, its a spiritual working gift!)

He became second in command of a nation! He had more power than even our Vice President. Not because he sought it, but because he sought God and did his work to God's glory. Even in the depths of the prison.

What other work skills do you have that are being neglected because we are concentrating too much on the physical aspect?