Thursday, November 27, 2009

Abba San

Legacy of Elijah [LoE] - Proud Grandfather
Everything God created is good, and to be received with thanks. Nothing is to be sneered at and thrown out. 1 Timothy 4:4 (MSG)

That verse is not about Aunt May's mystery casserole or the weird cranberry salad someone made instead of plain old cranberry sauce shaped like a can.

The context says there will be people making up religious sounding rules forbidding foods and practices that God created and should be received with thanksgiving (vs 1-3) - you'll be a good servant of Jesus Christ if you point out the truth, having nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales but train yourself to be godly (vs 5-7).

Happy Thanksgiving Day - give thanks to God for the life He has given you.