ToJ Server Whitelist

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Welcome to the Minecraft Chapter of The Tribe of Judah, we are so excited you found us. In order for you to be able to build with us, please read the following rules:

TOJ Rules:
Be Respectful.
Be Ethical.
Use Common Sense.
Do not Destroy or Modify Any Player Creations Without Permission.
Do not Build Over or Under Anyone’s Structures Without Permission.
Do not Steal Anything From Chests, Furnaces & Dispensers.
Do not Place Lava, TNT Or Fire Near Anyone’s Buildings/Structures.
Do not Be Annoying!
Keep All Language And Subject Matter G Rated. Acronyms And Suggestive Material Is Not Allowed.
Abandoned Structures Can & Will Be Destroyed By Admins.
Non-Christians are welcome, but are required to follow our rules.

Once you have read the rules, please >>go here<< and register to be placed on the TOJ roster. Please know this is a requirement. Once you are on the roster, you can then reply to this thread, with the following information, and an administrator will add you to the whitelist, allowing you access to the server.

Minecraft User Name:
Have you ever been banned? (If so please list why):
Real Life First Name (optional):
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:
Do you agree to the rules posted above?:

There have recently been some requests for friends \ family members to be added to the whitelist. I will gladly add friends and family members if an existing member asks them to be added, with one caveat: their behavior will reflect upon you. If they break the rules, there will be a chance you will be punished as well. Please keep this in mind when requesting friends and family members. To request them, just fill out a whitelist post with their info, and tell us how you know them.

Please note, that by replying to this thread and asking to be added to the TOJ list, you are agreeing to follow the rules that have been put in place. If any of the rules are broken, it will be the Guard or Admins discretion for punishment, but some guidelines are:

Swearing or inappropriate talk - Mute
Griefing or repeat rule breakers - Ban

Please be patient and make sure you spelled your Minecraft name right, (names are case sensitive).

If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to ask any Guard or Admin for assistance. If you are being bothered by someone, please take a screen shot of the conversation (press F2) and post it here (in a new post) or PM it to the Admins: blsimpson, Josh4215, Abea, Malohaut.

We hope you enjoy your time here with us. :)

Join us at the Server IP:
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Minecraft User Name: Judge_Weebles
Real Life First Name (optional): Kate
Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 21-35
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): Nope. :)
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: I used to play on the old server (WWJD I think), but I've been absent for a bit. And apparently missed a lot! >_< Abea might remember me. Thanks, and God bless! :)
Yes I remember you Judge/Kate. Glad to have you returning! And you played on the world just before WWJD, can't remember the names anymore they are all meshing together. lol
Thanks for adding me! :D

LOL Abea, I'm glad I'm not the only one that's having that issue! :D And thanks, I'm glad to be coming back!

Edit: Although I can't seem to get on to the server...hmmm :/
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Minecraft User Name:Im_KoTa.
Real Life First Name (optional):Kota.
Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):17-20
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):no.
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:

Minecraft User Name:RopaChan
Real Life First Name (optional):Rhianna
Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):11-16
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):no.
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:
Minecraft User Name:_SoBe
Real Life First Name (optional):Austin
Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):11-16
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):no
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:Im_kota
i would like to be toj, i heard about kiekiville through ivel19. he used to play on wwjd. i am a FADmin on wwjd. i have only had to jail 2 people for language... i am a christian. i was saved when i was 8-10... i dont remeber exactly :)

--super_hunter_boy (loren)

age 16
real life name is Loren (boys spelling:) )
minecraft username: super_hunter_boy
i have not belonged to any other toj thing
i heard about toj from playing on blsimpson's server, and playing on wwjd

i would like to be ToJ. i posted a couple of quick response thingies :)
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Minecraft User Name: TDWfan
Real Life First Name (optional): Peter
Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 11-16
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): Nope.
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: WWJD and onestoryfallen
Minecraft User Name:princeco132
Real Life First Name (optional):Chris
Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):21-35
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):Guildwars
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: forums
Minecraft User Name:mcdizzel1
Real Life First Name (optional):Jordan
Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):11-16
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:A friend
Just a note: McDizzel is someone we know in real life. :D Welcome McDizzel (I'm Marcie, Ryan and Josh's mom)
Minecraft User Name: DWRoelands
Real Life First Name (optional): Duane
Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 36+
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): League of Legends
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: Here in the forums.

Very happy to have found a Minecraft server that I am comfortable letting my kids use. They will follow the rules and I understand that I'm responsible if they don't. :)
Minecraft User Name: DWRoelands
Real Life First Name (optional): Duane
Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 36+
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): League of Legends
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: Here in the forums.

Very happy to have found a Minecraft server that I am comfortable letting my kids use. They will follow the rules and I understand that I'm responsible if they don't. :)

Welcome to the server! :) We are glad you found us too :)

If your kids have their own accounts, I will be happy to add them to the list too. If you all play under one account, thats cool too. :)

Minecraft User Name: sebastianhale
Real Life First Name (optional): Sebastian + Lukas
Age: Already Known
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): No.
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: The guy making the post. xD

Soka's sidenote:
I'm making the post for them because for whatever reason it won't let them register. I made sure they read the forum post, and whitelist them myself. Just thought it would be best to post it here too.
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Whitelist me please?

Minecraft User Name: Deathglaive
Real Life First Name (optional): Loren (Dovahkiin :3)
Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 20
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):no
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: I found out about TOJ from the minecraft server which I discovered whilst browsing Google for Christian Minecraft servers :)
I have deleted the previous posts before they get of hand.. :) If you would like to continue the conversation, please start a new topic, or go private. :)
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