Uh Oh...


New Member
A little background...

So i logged into my yahoo account this morning (Which i haven't done in months, but i bought a new home theater sub on Ebay, and ebay is linked to my yahoo account) The Yahoo account is also linked to one of my wow accounts.

So anyways... once i got into my email i see an email from blizz with the subject line "Account name recovery" (IE, someone knew my email address and wanted to find the wow account associated with it). The scary thing was THE EMAIL HAD ALREADY BEEN READ! AND NOT BY ME! So someone got ahold of my yahoo account info. Fortunately my Wow pass is different than my email pass, cause i'm leet like that. I called blizz and reported it, and changed all my wow account passwords, and my email password.

Lessons learned...

DO NOT use the same password for your email AND wow.
Change them frequently! Security FTW!

That is scary...

and think how long it would take you to make replacement shamans...


see i have my hunter skillz in at all time and i have all my passwords simliar but a couple numbers or letters MWAAHHAHA throw in twists... and important ones that r life and death...aka WOW i have completely dif lol
mine didnt xion.. its tree! he can make the best or 2nd best geared shammy on the server in what like 2 weeks? lol