Website To Do List


New Member
As you all know, the website is still in the development stage. There are some things that I need to accomplish before I can consider it worthy of advertising. Some of the things are needed from the leadership. Here is my to do list. (I will update the list as it gets accomplished)

  • Finish the layout of news articles
  • Integrate the event calendar into the site
  • Get the sign up form working
  • Add content to the 'About Us' page
  • Add links to the 'Links' page
  • Start the 'Roster' page
  • Create accounts for leadership to post news articles
  • Add graphical enhancements to the site

All of these must get accomplished before the site can go live with the exception of the graphical enhancements. Those can come last. I need leadership's input on what will go on the 'About Us' page. I need everyone's input on what links I should have on the links page.
astrod00d said:
Some of the things are needed from the leadership.
I've e-mailed SirThom and asked him to give you whatever you need to integrate the news, roster, and calendar functions into the Warhammer chapter site. (There's even a links directory engine.) I'll send Tom a reminder e-mail tonight.

  • Finish the layout of news articles
  • Start the 'Roster' page
  • Create accounts for leadership to post news articles
*nudges astrod00d* No need to use a custom news system or manage a roster. The Tribe of Judah site already has one built-in. While Coranto has some spiffy features, the ToJ site news engine does one better: it posts your news to the ToJ front page! :D Very useful in attracting new chapter members.

I need leadership's input on what will go on the 'About Us' page.
Hm, when you say "leadership," do you mean Mr. Slice or me?
Actually Tek, I was really referring to Mr. Slice and Arkangel, the chapter leaders. Sorry for the confusion. As for the news posting and rosters, I have no idea how to implement the existing system. Thom would probably have to hold my hand to do it and I don't think he really has that kind of time right now. I've seen some of the other chapter sites link to the rosters on the ToJ site and such but I'd like to have the chapter site to all look the same. I'd really like for the chapter board to look like a part of the site but I understand that as a chapter of ToJ, we need to share the same BB at least for guild/clan continuity.
astrod00d said:
I've seen some of the other chapter sites link to the rosters on the ToJ site and such but I'd like to have the chapter site to all look the same.
It's possible to insert the news and roster data into the chapter site rather than linking to the relevant pages on the Tribe of Judah site. Check out the UT chapter site for an example of news and roster integration.

I'd really like for the chapter board to look like a part of the site but I understand that as a chapter of ToJ, we need to share the same BB at least for guild/clan continuity.
If you want to create a vBulletin skin based on the WH chapter site and e-mail it to me, I can forward it to Hescominsoon, the CGA Forum Administrator. If it passes security check, WH chapter members could select that skin for the forums.

It might even be possible to specify the skin on a per-forum basis. I'll send an e-mail to HCS and ask him about that.
Plankeye is working with me on how to implement the news and roster info into the site. It looks like it'll work great AND save me a ton of work. :D
Well, the website is now 'live'. The link is

There are still some things that are needed for the site.

  • Implementation of the event calendar
  • Information on how to join ToJ and the WH chapter
  • Any additional info that needs to be on the About Us page
  • WH chapter members added to the roster (I don't have this ability)
  • Finish layout of the news articles

I really need the chapter leaders to let me know what they would like to see on the About Us page (or any other page). We also need someone with the ability to add members to the chapter roster to please do so.

If you would like to add a news item to the website, just login on the ToJ site, click 'Add News" and write your news article (make sure you select the Warhammer Chapter from the drop down list). Once you submit it, it will be submitted to the ToJ powers that be for approval and then it will show up on the site.
Thanks for you hard work on this website Astrod00d. I think in the about us page we should certainly make a refrence to the TOJ charter. As well we should also let it be known that the Warhammer chapter is to envelop all the warhammer games coming in the future. Obviously this is not a table-top game site, and I doubt anybody here plays it, but maybe we could add some links to that as well if anyone is interested. is the main portal to that website.
The calendar has now been integrated and the news format is pretty much done. If you would like to (and have the ability), login on the ToJ site and add events to the Warhammer calendar. I'll be adding a 'This Week' event preview on the main page that will show what events are happening during the current week.

If anyone needs to be added to the roster, please let us know and we'll add you.

More links will be added soon, charter info will be added to the 'About Us' page, join info will be added, and some graphics will be experimented with to try to give the site a Warhammer Universe flavor. Thanks for your input Arkanjel and extra special thanks to Plankeye for constantly helping me get the roster, calendar, and news implemented.
It will just be information on how to join the ToJ/WH chapter like joining ToJ, following the rules in the charter, and registering on the forum and introducing yourself. That will pretty much be what is going on there with links to do those things. Do you have anything else in mind?

What do you think about starting an Official Membership Thread where new members can introduce themselves and request to be added to the roster? I can link to it on the join us page as the final step to joining our chapter.
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Ok, I've completed the 'Join Us' page and created a thread titled 'Official Membership Thread'. Check it out and let me know if there's anything else that needs to be added. I referenced the Charter on the Join Us page and I'll add a link to GamesWorkshop soon. Also, could you sticky the Official Membership Thread?

If there's nothing else to be done at the moment, I'm going to let the site rest for a while until we start adding members and get going good. After which, I'll look at adding some graphical enhancements and maybe a gallery page. I'm moving on to three other sites that I need to get started on.
I just ran across a thread in the relic forums concerning the copyright issue with Games-workshop. Here is the link to the games-workshop copyright rules. We will probably have to add a disclaimer to our site just to be safe, but here is the link regardless.