What was the point?


New Member
What was the point of adding more guild leaders, there's still no one online. I've been trying to get an alt invited for two days, and there's never more than 2 people (non officers at that) online at any given time.

Is redeemed just dead?
It seems like it's been going up and down lately...sometimes there's a ton of peple on sometimes it's dead. Most likely we took a hit due to D3 releasing.
diablo 3 has taken many people's main focus for a bit I am sure. It is extremely fun and addicting. The rush will die down soon and more people will be on.
diablo 3 has taken many people's main focus for a bit I am sure. It is extremely fun and addicting. The rush will die down soon and more people will be on.

it's funny i headrushed through act 1 but am struggling to complete act 2. it's so stupid that i feel like that. the game is epic genius
I'm on every day and yea I agree I never see an officer on. I see Blu on, but on an other game. So if its emergency I can grab him.. but yea for alt adddi8ng hasnt been anyone on =(*
GW2 has taken many people's main focus for a bit I am sure. It is extremely fun and addicting. The rush will never die down and more people will be on GW2.

I completely agree. Its so awesome it has my near full attention and it hasn't even been released yet.
well we didn't add MORE guild leaders... we just replaced 2 of them. we still have 3 guild leaders and have always had 3
I am almost always available to get on and do whatever is needed...
You just happened to message me twice while I was at work... I can not always log on while working... I log in every now and then as well, but when i see no one online, i log off.. i am not much for solo'ing these days...

That AND Diablo 3 is awesomesauce....
regardless Stubbed, I will be available this evening, so if you message me I can log in and invite an alt... anytime after 2pm server time, 5pm my time :)