New Member
I wanted to consolidate some useful info for the other tankadins in the guild as there looks to be about 4-5 of us out there once again.
Stat Caps in order of importance
Defense - 540 Defense (689 Defense Rating)
Block (used to be Crush Cap) - 102.4% Total avoidance = % Miss + % Dodge + % Parry + %Block
Hit - 295 Hit rating (but varies on race like draenai getting a free 1% hit through racial)
Expertise - 24 Expertise
Threat and DPS Stat Focus in order of most return per point
Block Value
Attack Power
Spell Power
Best Seal
Seal of Vengeance - Has the highest DPS and TPS of all seals.
Abilities by TPS (Avenging Shield, Exorcism and Holy wrath when applicable)
Shield of Righteousness
Hammer of the Righteous
Holy Shield
Gear Guides
Gems and Enchants
Heroic Gear Guide
Raid Gear Info
Weapon TPS Breakdown
Talent Points
Although you should feel free to spec how you feel, do not expect to be considered a Main Tank unless you are running these talents.
Total Avoidance Macro
/script dr=function(x)return 1/(1/16+0.9560/x)end;DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Need 102.4 combat table coverage. Currently at: "..string.format("%.2f",GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance()+GetParryChance()+5+dr(GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)/122.962)))
Sites - Nice gear check with suggestions for improvements - Defacto Tankadin site (not always safe for work) - General WoW Tanking Site
General tips for tankadinewbs
Stat Caps in order of importance
Defense - 540 Defense (689 Defense Rating)
Block (used to be Crush Cap) - 102.4% Total avoidance = % Miss + % Dodge + % Parry + %Block
Hit - 295 Hit rating (but varies on race like draenai getting a free 1% hit through racial)
Expertise - 24 Expertise
Threat and DPS Stat Focus in order of most return per point
Block Value
Attack Power
Spell Power
Best Seal
Seal of Vengeance - Has the highest DPS and TPS of all seals.
Abilities by TPS (Avenging Shield, Exorcism and Holy wrath when applicable)
Shield of Righteousness
Hammer of the Righteous
Holy Shield
Gear Guides
Gems and Enchants
Heroic Gear Guide
Raid Gear Info
Weapon TPS Breakdown
Talent Points
Although you should feel free to spec how you feel, do not expect to be considered a Main Tank unless you are running these talents.
Total Avoidance Macro
/script dr=function(x)return 1/(1/16+0.9560/x)end;DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Need 102.4 combat table coverage. Currently at: "..string.format("%.2f",GetDodgeChance()+GetBlockChance()+GetParryChance()+5+dr(GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)/122.962)))
Sites - Nice gear check with suggestions for improvements - Defacto Tankadin site (not always safe for work) - General WoW Tanking Site
General tips for tankadinewbs
- Only one point in improved Judgement! 969 rotation is the name of the game now
- Holy Shield is a Mitigation and Avoidance talent not a threat talent
- Do not taunt off your fellow tank unless it is required for the fight like on Gluuth
- There are several mods that show the status of Righteous Fury including Pally Power. Get one. Don't make us look bad
- You have a shield wall now on a 3 min cooldown, use it often
- Yes! Single target taunt and varmint killer in one ability
- Wings early so you can use it more then once in long fights
- Try to face AOE packs in front of you as you take extra hits if they get behind you
- Spell Damage is a thing of the past
- Strength and Stamina are pure win all the time
- Intellect is for healadins
- Blessing of Sanctuary > Blessing of Kings everytime all the time and if you don't know why mana regen is better then a few stat upgrades, then go roll another tank class