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  1. M

    What the crud??? Why didn't you tell us???

    LOL I'm even later. Happy belated birthday... :D
  2. M

    Y are there so many messed up people in the world

    Oui! Reminds me of Romans 7... Paul outlines our struggle with our sinful nature...
  3. M


    Mmm SC goodness... Still playing after what... hmm 4 years? Speaking of time flying past... THERE WENT MY CHRISTMAS BREAK!!! noooo! Too bad school didn't go just as fast... *moan*
  4. M


    Speaking of alcohol, this is the christmas season.. don't Drink and Drive!
  5. M

    Return of the King

    I saw ROTK on monday.. The movie has it highs and lows. The scenery was great, fight scenes were great, CGI was pretty amazing... Yeah. Grand. On the other hand, I have lots to complain about(which I will keep to a minimum)... I'm a purist and don't like the plot changes, and also the annoying...
  6. M

    Do not buy pepsi!

    >.< I'm not very eager to try either bear or yak urine:P
  7. M

    December 22 10:14 MST

    It's amusing... when you get to your l337 post, ... if you do, people will take screen shots and the scillinating moment will be immortalized forever:D
  8. M

    Merry Christmas

    FWAH. I just came on with the expressed purpose of posting a very similar post! CRAZY. But since it's here already... Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year to all of you ... wherever you are and whoever you are... er. Don't do anything stupid that will incapacitate you from having as much...
  9. M

    Do not buy pepsi!

    No one should be put through the rigours of that horrible dilemma...cruel and unusual...
  10. M

    LCD anyone?

    I have a CRT and it's fine for me...
  11. M

    How would you rate CGA's web host?

    Not bad, a bit slow at times, but overall pretty good...
  12. M

    Hey LoJ

    Take a screenshot and immortalize this amazing moment forever!
  13. M


  14. M


    Mountain dew is some crazy stuff... makes me feel funny...
  15. M

    What a morning

  16. M


    He had a bushy beard! Saddam Claus! Just in time for Christmas... (No insult to anyone who has a busy beard):p
  17. M


    He had a bushy beard! Saddam Claus! Just in time for Christmas... (No insult to anyone who has a busy beard):p
  18. M

    Please explain why gay marriages are wrong.

    I'm sorry if I offend you Spyro, but that means nothing to me - unless you go to a theological minded Christian school (like a college or such - seminary? poor wording sry), "Christian school" does not necessarily mean that people who go their are truly christians. Perhaps my viewpoint is...
  19. M

    Reuesting permission to resume my work here!

    Main Entry: rhet·o·ric Pronunciation: 're-t&-rik Function: noun Etymology: Middle English rethorik, from Middle French rethorique, from Latin rhetorica, from Greek rhEtorikE, literally, art of oratory, from feminine of rhEtorikos of an orator, from rhEtOr orator, rhetorician, from eirein to...
  20. M

    Do not buy pepsi!

    Diet drinks taste of aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. I prefer, plain old sugar instead:p