Search results

  1. Uzzo777

    ToJ back in Elder Scrolls Online!

    I'm happy to announce that ToJ is back in Elder Scrolls Online! As it turns out, ESO is one of the best games for a Christian guild.. why? 1) Every player is allowed to be in up to 5 guilds simultaneously. That means you don't have to choose between the endgame raiding guild and the...
  2. Uzzo777

    New Bible Study Series Underway!

    This weekend we started a new voice chat Bible Study. We're starting out with "Books Your Pastor Never Goes Over", as a fun way to look at the various books of the Bible that never seem to come up on Sunday morning. We met in the TeamSpeak server, in the World of Warcraft room. We'll be...
  3. Uzzo777

    Mustard Seed Conspiracy Charter

    Hey all. Since we're getting to the point of having at least a handful on during peak times, I thought it would be a good time to start on some basic guidelines for how the guild will function and grow. Everything here is subject to change. 1. Mustard Seed Conspiracy is a chapter of the...
  4. Uzzo777

    Prayer Requests

    As we are not large enough for bible studies in the near term, I would like to use this thread as a central location for prayer requests, praises, etc. Feel free to post, and then to let us know how that need was met, altered, etc. as time goes on. The MSC Leadership team will pray over all...
  5. Uzzo777

    Mustard Seed Conspiracy - Small Guild Focus Statement

    Hey everybody! Hope everyone is having a great week, and taking advantage of the amazing opportunities in the pilgrim quests to level cooking up to 300 for nearly no cost. I ran across someone randomly in UC yesterday who stopped me and said, "MSC? Is that still around?" I told them how we...
  6. Uzzo777

    Website updated, Guild bank sorted, etc.

    The website, is now updated with current information. The Guild Bank has been updated, and has been sorted to maximize helpfulness to levelling. We have a leadership team for the guild consisting of myself, Quartoth and Yeahdetroit. We are in the midst of talking over...
  7. Uzzo777

    New Start for MSC

    Hey everybody. I have been in MSC for over a year, and I am very happy to be the new guild leader. Obviously, the guild is fairly dead at the moment, but I'm forming a core group that will begin recruiting this weekend. There are obviously lots of things to update as we go along, so I ask...