Search results

  1. Ryooshi

    Guild Status? (Thinking of Resubbing)

    Hi, folks. I wasn't previously in CfD/CttL, but was on another server earlier this year. I've been thinking of re-subbing, and wanted to see how active the guilds were these days. I won't be able to transfer my 40-something Bounty Hunter, so I think I'll be up for starting from scratch on...
  2. Ryooshi

    LF Advice on Crafting

    So I think I'm beating my head against a brick wall here. Here's my dilemma: I'm trying to level crafting classes outside of the local leves, yet when I put together the materials, such as Moko Grass for Hempen Yarn from Weaver, I get the error message saying "You cannot make anything with...
  3. Ryooshi

    "Path Companions"

    VERY sweet, indeed! I can't wait to progress through the storyline to this point! :D Source:
  4. Ryooshi

    Advice on Upgrading GFX Card?

    Howdy, all. Sorry I haven't been able to sign on the past couple days. Hope all is well. I figured I'd post this here to ask for advice on my questions, as well as any opinions on the answers I've received so far...
  5. Ryooshi

    Still Can't Access Mysidia

    Thought I'd better give anyone looking for me a heads-up. I've got the game installed, patched, and activated, albeit missing almost two days of my Buddy Pass already trying to complete the entire process. I've got my character data saved and ready to go, but ever since early this morning, I...
  6. Ryooshi

    FFXIV Piano Covers

    I found this eight track playlist on YouTube, and have been listening to it all afternoon. This guy has done a great job at covering several of the original tracks on the keyboard. Enjoy!
  7. Ryooshi

    Interview with Director Nobuaki Komoto & Battle Planner Atsushi Okada

    FFXIVCore posted a translated interview with Komoto and Okada this morning. For site traffic purposes, here's the link: EDIT 1: I believe DK refers to Director Komoto instead of NK for Nobuaki Komoto. EDIT 2: Added the...
  8. Ryooshi

    Opening Cinematic!

    This can be viewed in Flash on the official site, but here's the YouTube link: EDIT: Whoops, I meant Opening Cinematic, not Launch Trailer. I've been up all night... :P
  9. Ryooshi

    Video Explanation of the Fatigue System

    I found this on the FFXIVCore forums this morning. I was aware of the Fatigue System in the game, but I wasn't quite clear on what it meant. You guys probably know all of this by now, but here's the video just in case: I like this idea. It's a...
  10. Ryooshi

    The FFXIV Log Out "Minigame"

    I lol'd a bit at this. :P Enjoy. I don't know if it's just me, but my mouse seems to be working better with the latest couple patches.
  11. Ryooshi

    Having Some Issues (and Questions)

    Apart from having some gameplay issues such as horrible lag, graphical lag, and stuttering/chugging gameplay, I really like FFXIV. I can't say for sure that I'll be getting it though. Other than money being extremely tight right now, I'm a bit confused as to how to play. :p I are noob...