Search results

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    Super Smash Bros. 4!

    Who's buying it tomorrow on release? I am, and I can't wait!
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    The Final Stand

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to recommend a game to whoever reads this. It's called, "The Final Stand", and its really cool-looking. If you want to check it out, you can go to the website ( It's also on Steam Greenlight. I've already pre-ordered :D The game's...
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    Super Smash Bros. 4!!!

    Who's ready for SSB4?! I know I am! I've been wanting a portable version (badly) for a long time, and my wish is about to be granted! For those of you that didn't know, it'll be released for 3DS this Summer. So what are you're thoughts on SSB4? (Post whatever comments you want, I just wanna know...
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    Garry's Mod

    Hi everyone! Does the CGA have a Garry's Mod server? I just got Garrys Mod and thouht it would be fun to play with other Christians!
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    LavaLamp Emergency

    Hey,all...I woke up this morning and was exiting my room,when I caused my lava lamp to fall. (I have carpet flooring in my room) The base fell as well. I set it back on the base,but now the light won't turn on... The glass globe thing isn't messed up at all,but I need the light to turn on! Im a...
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    Who here reads books? Just curious.
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    Is there anyone who plays Terraria here?
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    The WarZ

    Hi everyone! I have been playing The WarZ lately,and was wondering if there is a ToJ server on there? Is there one,or not?
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    Best programming language to start with?

    What is the best programming language to learn first? I don't know anything about programming,but I really want to learn.
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    How do I get an avatar for my profile?

    How do I get an avatar for my profile? (I'm such a noob! lol)
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    Custom map-making?

    Hi everyone! I have been wanting to make my own Team Fortress 2 map for me and my friend to play on,or anyone else who wants to use it,but I don't know how to make one. I could probably Google it (or YouTube it),but I felt like posting my question here. Does anyone know how to make one? And if...
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    Hack n' slash games without gore

    Hi everyone,me and my cousin are looking for some hack n' slash games (preferably for PC) that we can play together online. He won't play games with gore in them (blood is fine,but decapitations are not,like TF2). Does anyone know of any that we could play?
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    Rune Factory

    Hi everyone! Does anyone here play any of the Rune Factory games? Just out of curiosity.