3.2 Death Knight


New Member
Ok, I have a noob question . . .

Here I am, your typical duel specced DK, with a dps build and a tank build, trying to read through all the changes in patch 3.2 and decide what changes I need to make to be effective. It seems as though none of the posts can agree on the best builds for these purposes (Gee, imagine that!)

It seems logical to me that Blizzard intended a Blood build to use 2H weapons as the talent for added 2H weapon damage is in the Blood tree, and it sounds like the changes to Frost build in patch 3.2 are intended to be for duel-wielders (2 talents focused on duel wielding in the Frost tree).

My questions are these - does it look like duel wielding is intended for dps? if so, is it for frost dps? Does duel-wielding now become viable for either spec? or more specifically, Are my plans to spec 2H Blood DPS and duel-wield Frost Tank completely backwards?

I understand that the idea of 'to each their own' applies, but I just want to get opinions as to what others are planning on doing.

what rotation do you use? After reading all those threads, I am still not 100% sure I know what they mean when the say 'dump' (example: IT, PS, OB, dump, OB, etc)
By dump, they mean an ability used to consume your Runic Power: Death Coil, Frost Strike, Gargoyle, etc.

I don't really use a rotation per se, but rather a priority system. For my build the priority is Diseases (Blood Plague > Frost Fever) > Death Coil > Icy Touch > Blood Strike > Ghoul Frenzy > Plague Strike. I'll usually save up runic power and summon the gargoyle whenever it's on cooldown as well.