A call for HELP


on to something new...
Hey gang,

I am wondering if anyone is fluent and or versed in HEBREW. I have a phrase that I have translated with my concordance, but since I am no linguist, I'm not sure if my translation is correct. The phrase is as follows:


ENGLISH HEBREW: misrah shekem

If you can post the "verbal" translation here or PM it to me that'd be great. I believe it is a key to something God has been trying to show me in my studies.

Thank and GOD BLESS TO ALL!!!
Hey PW.... Given the letters, I am curious it if it closer to

Mishra Shechem

I may be off on the vowels, but I am pretty sure on the consanants. The CH is usually changed to K in English, but the SH letter is the same in both words which makes me think it is pronounced closed to the above listed text. I could also be completely off on it since Methusula was still a child when I studied Hebrew :D .

I found this too.
The prophet Yasha’yah told us something remarkable about this “child born to us,” this “Son given to us.” He will have dominion over all. “Supreme authority (misrah �" power and rule, government and sovereignty; from sarah, meaning to have the ability to contend, persist, and persevere) shall always exist (hayah �" was, is, and will be) on His shoulders (sakem)