A family in need of prayer

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New Member
Hi everyone,
Its been awhile since I've had time to post (I'm on a funny shcedule at work) but I thought that I needed to make time for this one. Yesterday at morning I recived a email that a young lady from my church who had been batteling cancer was called home to Jesus. This really hits home because she was only 27 years old and is leaving behind a husband and two young sons.
Though I do trust in God and I know that it is in his perfect will that she was called home, my heart still goes out to the family and exspecially the 2 sons.
I ask that you please be in prayer for this family that God will strengthen and comfort them during this time.


P.S. Also be in prayer for the Mother, Father, Sister, and Grandparents.
will do, 27 wow that's young how sad.
Jesus, perfectly faithful to your word you are. Praises to you and your name. I ask that you comfort this young family as they set out to deal with this time. Let them know that they are not alone and that you are with them every step of the way. Your comfort and guidance they so desperatly need. In your perfect name Jesus, I ask you to bless this young family. Amen.
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