"A" Team Information


New Member
Good news Ladies and Germs!

We are now announcing important information for those of you that are interested in playing for the Tribe of Judah main competition team.

First, let's start off by answering some FAQ:

Will I have to try-out to become part of this team?

Due to the high demand, and the limited number of spots, yes, we will hold try-out session(s).

When will the try-out(s) be?

At this time, we honestly can't give you a direct answer. This is mainly because we are planning to kick this off later on in May due to the fact that that’s when more people will be out of school, and your leaders will be more available to lead.

So, who can try-out?

The official guidelines are as follows:

1) Any player may try-out to be on any Counter-strike competition team. All players must be a member of the Tribe of Judah for at least one month before you can try out (this is because we want you to get to know some of the people around ToJ and understand "what’s going on)."

2) All players must show Christ like character in, and out of Counter-strike games. It is stated in the Tribe of Judah charter (Article III section 3) that the hostility rule(s) "does NOT apply to playful competitive language." HOWEVER, we will not be allowing hostility of ANY kind on this team. We will go into more details about this once the team is formed.

3) All players must have Steam currently installed and version 1.6 working properly.

4) Practices will be held weekly, or possibly daily depending on when the next match is. Leaders will give you plenty of notice when a match is, and what days/times the team will be practicing.

5) Once the team is decided, the decision is final. There will be no "re-tryouts" unless specifically announced the leader

Do the current A-team members have to try-out again?

Yes. For the sake of fairness to everyone, we will be scraping the current A-team roster meaning EVERY slot will be open for taking.

What league do we compete in?

The A-team will compete in the Cyberathlete Amature League Open division. (CAL-O)

Why do you guys keep putting us on "hold" about  competition team information?

Yes, believe it or not I have been asked this.

Because... (insert drumroll here)
This isn't the A-team you once knew!

Changes have been made to the core of the team, and it is all a work of progress.
We will run things differently thatn we have ever done before. On the flip side, more will be expected out of all the players who are on this team.

So yes, once again the Tribe of Judah A-team is starting up again very soon.
For right now, everyone just sit back while your leaders take care of the small details.  
Hmm sounds good, gotta tryout again...*looks at schedule*

bah nvm it won't be for another 2-3 weeks anyhow. No worries ill be there.
dangit >_< so many good people going to sign up *goes to master already l337 skills*
Wow J, be more confident in yourself bro. CS is a very mental based game and if you have a negative attitude about it you will play negative.
Jfreak i have absolutly no way of winning A-team starting line up UNLESS, i practice and watch demos of good people, same way i pwned everyone in starcraft
I don't think we're going to sign up for the CAL season that starts in two weeks - if we had a solid team right now we would consider it, however we want to be smart about this. I persoanlly think everyone has a good chance.

We're looking for leaders, and positive players who can grow and learn. The veterans are old and gone, we need some fresh new faces and skills.

Best of luck to you all.
guys, i'd recommend that everyone who is interested try out. your attitude and testimony are more important than your skills =]

proverbs 22:1 Choose a good reputation over great riches, for being held in high esteem is better than having silver or gold.

ecclesiasties 7:1 A good reputation is more valuable than the most expensive perfume.

skills can be learned, but having a great testimony is priceless.
Rock on exodus lets bath the new A team in scripture and being of a Strong Faith.

(part of the goal of ToJ is to move from Gamers that are Christians to Christians that just happen to be gamers this is a positive step towards that WOOT)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]When will the try-out(s) be?

At this time, we honestly can't give you a direct answer. This is mainly because we are planning to kick this off later on in May due to the fact that that’s when more people will be out of school, and your leaders will be more available to lead.

any update?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Parakletos @ April 23 2004,5:05)]Changes have been made to the core of the team, and it is all a work of progress.
We will run things differently thatn we have ever done before. On the flip side, more will be expected out of all the players who are on this team
Please be patient as we work out the minor details.. thanks.