Accepting JC/Salvation only way to forgive sin?


Active Member
I would of thought the other way, getting rid of sin b4 being a christian...

corp_fox (8:19:34 PM): would it be easier, to get rid of sin b4 becoming a christian?
kidanssw (8:20:21 PM): no. we cannot get rid of sin without Christ. If we could do it all on our own, then there would have been no reason for Chirst to die
corp_fox (8:21:03 PM): ...
corp_fox (8:21:26 PM): what!?
kidanssw (8:21:35 PM): ?
corp_fox (8:22:15 PM): in order to get rid of sin, you'd have to accept the whole christianity, thing?
kidanssw (8:23:06 PM): in order to receive forgivenes, you must accept Christ. After that, it is a daily struggle to keep new sin from entering your life
corp_fox (8:23:23 PM): ugh
corp_fox (8:24:10 PM): so, i cant get rude of sin, w/o accepting...christ...and...all...the...other...stuff...
corp_fox (8:24:17 PM): rid*
kidanssw (8:25:00 PM): while you may be able to stop sinning without accepting Christ, that does not get your forgiveness of your previous sins

In other words, I have to be a christian to forgive sin? But also, must follow the guidelines of being a Christian; accepting Jesus Christ as savior/heart/soul/love/etc. (Which I already know!)

Sorry that I didnt get your authority to put this, Kidan.
Well, you're trying to get things right before you become one. That is not right. After you commit, you are constantly in a battle to improve. Except you have _|3S|_|$

Every word that Kidan told you is true. He gave you excellent councel.
Amen SA, very well spoken!

The Bible tell us:

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:29~30

Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5

Corp, what these verses tell us is that Jesus is with us every step of the way. When you ask Jesus into your heart, He will lead you and guide you. I won't promise that the journey as a Christian is a bed of roses. Nevertheless, I really don't know how anyone makes it in this world without the LORD. I can promise you this, He Loves you like no one else ever could. He wants only what is best for you. Don't allow the enemy to tell you that you will be giving up a thing, or trying to work it out on your own. It's a blessed life knowing Jesus; you will carry with you a peace that passes all your understanding, and forever have a friend that sticks by you closer than a brother. The Bible tells us if we draw close to God, He will draw close to us. He is as close as you will allow Him to be and He is an ever present help in trouble. He is everything you will ever need...and then some!
I love this hymn:
Every day with Jesus, is sweeter than the day before!
Ever day with Jesus, I love Him more and more.
Jesus saves and keeps me, and He's the one I've waited for.
Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before!

That song is so very true.
Jesus is all that you will ever need, Corp.

Hallelujah what a Saviour
I'm from sin set,
You're from sin set,
We're all from sin set free!
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Except you have _|3S|_|$

Yet, you couldn't say, J E S U S in plain english, SilentAssassin?

I won't promise that the journey as a Christian is a bed of roses.

I'm sure that yours since you have roses on your avatar...

Nevertheless, I really don't know how anyone makes it in this world without the LORD.

I think thats why people have inspirations, they inspire of their accomplishments and try to get there; in this case, Christians, your Lord, your savior inspires you(which I dont want to go in detail)...

He Loves you like no one else ever could. He wants only what is best for you.

Love is a understatement, you could easily say that to your hushand;wife;grand parents;family;kids;grand kids, and so on...
Wouldn't it be easier, that you said, that the Lord is the only one that can love anyone/everyone?

My best......I can name some people that has some good success in their life and future(or soon to be), how does, the Lord, make me better?

Don't allow the enemy to tell you that you will be giving up a thing, or trying to work it out on your own.

You mean satan, right? The evil enemy......I think the real enemy is my sub-mind that makes me sane. Yet, I guess everyone could be insane with an evil enemy...

and forever have a friend that sticks by you closer than a brother.

I dont have a brother, u'll have to be more specific.

I love this hymn:
Every day with Jesus, is sweeter than the day before!
Ever day with Jesus, I love Him more and more.
Jesus saves and keeps me, and He's the one I've waited for.
Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before!

That song is so very true.
Jesus is all that you will ever need, Corp.

Hallelujah what a Saviour
I'm from sin set,
You're from sin set,
We're all from sin set free!

Yeah, yeah, I heard it before, when I went to Sunday Church, my first time. Very odd flashback, Marcylene......very odd indeed. :confused:
Every Christian has struggles, heartache and sorrows.

God is Love and the Love that He gives is a gift. He has the greatest Love for us. However, through His gift of Love, we can also give and receive love among ourselves.

Yes, I mean satan. I really don't like to say his name. He is our enemy and that is my name for him.

I do not have a brother, either. And I know that not eveyone is blessed with a wonderful brother or sister. I will just explain what my sister was like and what that verse means to me. As I think about it, I also have other family members and brothers and sisters in Christ that could fit the same description:
a person who loves unconditionally, a person who listens and understands, a person who is always there for you....basically, someone who shows forth I Corinthians 13 Love! The reason that I mentioned Him sticking closer than a brother was this verse in which He describes Himself in that manner:

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24

Regarding your odd flashback...the LORD works sometimes, dear Corp, in very mysterious ways! He is exciting, loving, patient, and kind like that!
Lord Jesus Christ Loves you, Your Sins, are already forgiven, when he hung on that cross and died, he had you CorpFox in mind. he died, so that you would come to Him now, not when you were ready, not after you got Good enough. NOW

Now he's waiting saying Corpfox, I am here, When you stumble and fall, I will dress your wounds, I will comfort your heart, I will cheer your triumphs and I will steel your spirit in all challenges, just trust me. For I love you and I have a plan for your Life.

The Lord Jesus Christ forgave you 2000 and 5 years ago, He right now stands at the right hand of the Father, and says Thats my brother, YOUR son Father, design your heavenly plans to include him and when his mission is done, bring him home for I have a place for him at our table.....

Whew, talk about heavenly realms, you need to get into the word (reading the Bible) , and Just Receive what Father God has for you! All you ahve to do is recieve what is already yours
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Wouldn't it be easier, that you said, that the Lord is the only one that can love anyone/everyone?

No, God is not the only one capable of love. However, He is the only one who is capable of love that is so perfect and unconditional. Do you know anyone that would endure the harshest torture imaginable for people they know for a fact will turn around and spit on them over and over again?

You mean satan, right? The evil enemy......I think the real enemy is my sub-mind that makes me sane. Yet, I guess everyone could be insane with an evil enemy...

Care to elaborate on that a little? I dont quite understand :-|

I dont have a brother, u'll have to be more specific.

Think of the person that you are closest to. The one person that you can trust with anything. The person who sticks by your side no matter what happens. God will stick by you so much closer then even that person.

My best......I can name some people that has some good success in their life and future(or soon to be), how does, the Lord, make me better?

Many people consider success to be many different things. Would a person be successful because they have a million dollars, a yacht, and their own private jet? Why is it that so many celebrities have just that yet they are miserable? Marriages break apart after a few short months, drug addictions take root, and sometimes even suicide seems like the only solution. What was Kurt Cobain missing in life that made him want to kill himself? I consider success to be wholeness. When a person is really content with the life they lead, when they are whole. Is that really possible without God? No, no it isn't.

God makes you better by making you whole. I have a reason to live, a reason to breathe. He keeps me intact through good times and bad unless I decide to be an idiot and turn my back on Him. Then He waits there patiently poking at me until I finally turn back around and realize how much of an idiot I was. is almost 7am and I have not slept, hopefully this made some sense. Wow, Xel is longwinded..haha