account hack


New Member
apparently my account is hacked. I just wanted to let you know so that someone could perhaps demote me so that the guild bank isn't getting messed with. I hope to get it resolved tonight or tomorrow, but don't want people or things getting messed with in the mean time.
Yes, we should practice safe banking for when people get hacked. The bigger question is, given the rash of hacks and potential hacks, are people practicing safe browsing?
Yes, we should practice safe banking for when people get hacked. The bigger question is, given the rash of hacks and potential hacks, are people practicing safe browsing?

I have been... I've been avoiding websites/links I think may be unsafe. Not sure exactly how I got hacked but I'm pretty sure it wasn't a keylogger, since my scans came back negative for virus/spyware/malware and I haven't been hacked since I changed my password. I think what could have happened is that someone found my account name and used a program to go through a lot of passwords and find mine.