

ToJ | Space_Ghost

have any of u taken an allergy test where the poke u with like 50 needles andsee which ones ur alergic to? it itches like crazy and u cant itch it!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH lol ive had it done twice
rock.gif ya just thought i ask that
I've seen many people take those and.... *shudders* I promise you I'd rather find out for myself then have dry leaves and cat hair in my skin
I did it a while back and it was over 200 stabs done 2 diffrent times, Wasnt that bad i have a high pain tolerance and i missed school... Now i know what to avoid since im a Boy Scout when i go camping and my family has a tendancy to have lots of alergies.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Exo-Slayer @ Feb. 20 2003,8:00)]i have a high pain tolerance
Meh is curious, ever been electrocuted? Ever crack your head open? Ever get a second degree burn on your, eherm, manly body parts? Ever skinned your knee to where they have to stick tweezers in and dig around to get out rubble at more doctors apointments then you care to count, without pain killer? Ever had your head smashed through a wall? Ever had them remove the skin where you got a second degree burn on your manly appendages? And if you think any of this is bad, you should meet my father, or worse, my brother in law. brother in law <---- Has four real remaining teeth. Me hopes some of you fear allergy tests a bit less now that I have horrificly depicted events of my own life. If not, theres always stories of family. Cheers.
I have a high tolernace for pain but im not clumsy like some people...

Yes ive cracked my head open didnt even get stiches, Ive burned my hand on an electric stove and on the glass face of a heater that pulled the skin off my finger, Broken an arm. Im a boy scout so i cant even remember how many times ive cut my legs where all i can see is red streaming down my legs and i just wait till it clots together and stops bleeding not even stoping from playing capture the flag or helping on a friends eagle project. OH and every sunday i play 21 no rule tackle basketball with friends (300 pound linemen) after church for about 4 hours till i can barely walk.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Shark @ Feb. 20 2003,9:35)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Exo-Slayer @ Feb. 20 2003,8:00)]i have a high pain tolerance
Meh is curious, ever been electrocuted? Ever crack your head open? Ever get a second degree burn on your, eherm, manly body parts? Ever skinned your knee to where they have to stick tweezers in and dig around to get out rubble at more doctors apointments then you care to count, without pain killer? Ever had your head smashed through a wall? Ever had them remove the skin where you got a second degree burn on your manly appendages? And if you think any of this is bad, you should meet my father, or worse, my brother in law. brother in law <---- Has four real remaining teeth. Me hopes some of you fear allergy tests a bit less now that I have horrificly depicted events of my own life. If not, theres always stories of family. Cheers.
Electric shocks- yes,me and some friends were messing around with those dog things that keep them in the yard, we stuck some extra batteries in, rewired it to up the volts and stuck it to the basketball *has the standing record of 5seconds*

Head cracked open- n3g4tiv3

second degree on the no-no area- nope, only sunburn (dont ask)

Skined Knee with Gravel- yes, made the mistake of rollerblading in shorts down an unpaved road, hit a rock and slide face down all the way down the hill (37ft roughly going about 7mph). picked it out myself though so i cant say a doc did anything.

head through wall- no but i want 2

removing the skin- n3g4tive, praise Him!

all in all

Shark > me =/
Lol, man, you guys get hurt alot. I rarely get hurt bad. Except for in gymnastics, on the bars, I get rips. Rips are, when your on the bar and your skin sticks to the bar and your skin rips off your hand, those hurt. anyways, I'v never had a alergy test, but, the only thing I'm alergic to is being away from my computers to long.
nah man, I didnt just get an average knee skinning where some pebbles stick to it or whatever, I still probably have rocks embedded in my knee, you could see the tendons, err, I think they were tendons anyway. That took forever to heal. I had to go to a doctor for weeks getting junk pulled out, I had to soak the thing and use antiseptic every day on it. This was nasty, pure and simple. I didnt even bother mentioning all the different injurys I've had, not that I wanna remember them anyway. But dont get me wrong, I've been a clutz, pure and simple. I am the complete opposite of athletic. I do nothing but sit all day. Granted, now I'm working on it, still, drummergirl probably has more physical strength then I do right now. 6' 2" and 115lbs, 98% bone, 1% fat, 1% pitiful excuse for muscle. I was actually very, very fat once. Then I discovered gaming, new addiction, yah. Woo, I gotta figure out how to enter society once more, yep, I am, without a doubt, the biggest dork here. Thats right, I am Officialy declaring myself Lord Dork, and I accept all challenges for the title. Not sure anyone else would want it though.
Are you wimpy or stoic?

Interesting article about pain tolerences. check it out if your interested in this new theory.

As for alergies, I'm alergic to alot of stuff, and I had that same test done probably 15 or so years ago. I got alergy shots up till when my parents divorced, and not one since. I've thought about going in and having it all redone and trying to rid myself of 3 year old wants a cat, but they do baaaaaad stuff to my eyes and sinuses.

As for childhood warwounds, well...growing up I spent more time in the ER and hospital than most people I knew.

Well guys, I have never broken a bone in my body ('cept maybe for a toe) but have had some minor injuries. My ankles are pretty much shot as well as my right knee. I played soccer in Middle School and High School which pretty much caused this.

I never get sick - if I do, it's the 24 hour flu bug and I get it maybe every 2 years. I have no allergies, either. I never go to the doctor and I am very healthy. I do get a lot of headaches tho, but mainly because I don't sleep enough and stare at a monitor 24-7.

I get up each morning and praise God for my health and strength. I thank Him that I am able to see and hear, talk and touch, and taste and smell. I am very blessed in this area of my life - and you guys should not take any of these things for granted.
Speaking of taking things for granted, here is something my wife sent to me via email - it's pretty interesting:

A Village of Precisely 100

If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following.

There would be:
   57 Asians
   21 Europeans
   14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south
    8 Africans
   52 would be female
   48 would be male
   70 would be non-white
   30 would be white
   70 would be non-Christian
   30 would be Christian
   89 would be heterosexual
   11 would be homosexual
    6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth and all 6 would be from the United States.
   80 would live in substandard housing
   70 would be unable to read
   50 would suffer from malnutrition
    1 would be near death
    1 would be near birth
    1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education
    1 would own a computer

When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for both acceptance, understanding and education becomes glaringly apparent.  And, therefore…

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep ... you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace ... you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness ... you are more fortunate than the million who will not survive this week.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

If you can attend a meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or are more fortunate than three billion people in the world.

If your parents are still alive and still married ... you are very rare, even in the United States.

You are fortunate if you have someone to hug, a shoulder to lean on or just a hand to hold.

If you can read this message, you are very fortunate because someone was thinking of you, and furthermore…you are more fortunate than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.

Have a good day and cherish your good fortune.


This is coming from a non-Christian, too. w00t! Go Asians!!!

Ya, I also have never had a bone in my body broken, although sometimes my wrist's both feel like they are broken, I dont know what I did to them, probably messed them up while doing a handspring or somthing in gymnastics, but they have been bugging me off and on for about 2 years, I never go to the docter about them, they are not bad enough yet. Docters=needles=evil also they would prob give me some medication, and I cant swallow pills
If your wrists are bothering, I would inquire about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - soreness (or something) due to repetitive actions. Maybe playing the drums, or typing all key, or even using the mouse will cause it. I deal with it all the time, especially after I play CS for hours on end.
when I was 3 or 4 I severed my achellies tendon on my left leg with a garden hoe. fortunatly they were able to repair it.

when I was 5 or 6, I was in a bicycle wreck and had to have over 300 stitches in my head. my skull was exposed and my nose, jaw and 2 teeth were broken. I landed face first on the asphault.

I have had 6 or so concusions due to wrecks on bicycles/motorcycles.

when I was 16, I broke 3 knuckles between my 2 hands when I got mad at a girlfriend and punched a brick wall. ( not very smart on my part)

and my latest, I had both bones in my lower right leg broken when I was hit by a car on a motorcycle.

I am a walking clutz.

sounds a little like me Thad.

I end up in the emergence room every few years.
the worst pain was when i dislocated my shoulder for the third time, and had to ride in the car 5 miles to the hospital. The bone tore a whole in my rotator cuff and i had to have surgery a few months later.
having your arm in a sling for 6 months = not good times.
Be careful Thady
Zealot probably peed on an electric wire to see if anything would really happen.    

89 heterosexuals. hmmmmm some one would get messed. maybe the one near death.