Alien Swarm getting a commercial release...


New Member
I know some of us used to play the Alien Swarm mod for UT2004 (some still do...I never did beat it!). I went digging for some info on where it was at lately, and I discovered that they're working on a commercial release using the Source engine! :)
That's awesome news.

Alien Swarm deserved much more press and play than it received. The mod had a lot of polish and a lot of fun, but its learning curve kept many gamers away at a time when the scene was swarmed (pardon the pun) with high-quality mods. And given that Black Cat chose UT2004 as their system of choice, many players probably weren't expecting a top-down shooter more in the vein of Gauntlet Legacy than Natural Selection.

If the Source version of the game is inexpensive and if Valve and Black Cat offer a free trial weekend, I'd seriously consider buying this title.