Alternate Guild Event Interest?


Out of curiosity, I'd like to know who is reading our messageboards that would express an interest in running alternate guild events besides the Crypts 6 man raids . No time or day set although possibly an alternative raid during guild raiding nights on Mon and Thu.

I tried to make a poll but it timed out. Some ideas are...
* T3 Gunbad
* T4 Bastion Stair so long as it doesnt conflict with main event raid.
* A lowbie leveling event. (ie lvl 40s assist lowbies with quest killing)
* PQ grinding.
* thoughts on these event times such as if people would rather an event like this happen on another raiding night then currently schedule crypt runs or they don't care.
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I would be up for any of those. Probably the Bastion Stair raid the most, but I'm still lvl 31. Personally, I'd like to do things on Monday or Wednesday nights (volleyball on Tuesdays, Bible Study Thursdays, and random visits to/from the bf from Friday-Sunday). And for additional reference, I'm on East Coast time. =)
Yeah any of it sounds good to me. I'd like to a few more toons in the various tier's so I can do something with a level appropriate character. Any nights are good with me as my schedule is rather unpredictable but mostly anything after 5-6 pacific works.
I would love to be involved in guild events. However, my schedule is a little out of wack currenlty.

I am available usually after 8 or 9 Pacific.
At this point in time, there are still some unknowns with scheduling alternate guild events.

So...I would like to encourage people to log on during the current raid times Mon/Thu at 9pm eastern, even if they won't get into the scheduled 6 man raid.

Depending on head count and levels, I will try to put something together.

1. Optimally, we can put together a healer, 2+ tanks, and a few dps for Bastion Stair influence grinding.

2. If there's not enough to raid and/or we are maxd influence, I think the podium should be open to the needs of those who are there. Suggestions were already listed above. For some, there will be little benefit to the BS raid
but I have a feeling people would help each other anyways.

Here's a chance for more people to hang out and accomplish something together!
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Thanks appreciated.

What I learned was that the extra 5 or so people that were online during raid time, who weren't qualified for the 6 man raid, weren't looking to do anything together.

I also did not receive a tell from those who didn't get to run the crypts raid about an interest in doing something else.

However, a few of us got together late last night (around 12 eastern) and ran some quests together. It was very spontaneous and much more fun to me than running around with a zerg.
I'm up for anything, I'll be 20 tonight... then hopefully 40 in 2-3 weeks... but you guys know how that goes...