am i right to do so?

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Christian Gamers Alliance Amazon Store Manager
Staff member
ok my parents argue a decent amount, prolly all married couples have thier issues. but in the last year ive really tried to seperate myself from it all, becuase it doesnt have anything to do with me and i dont really want to hear it. but when i distance myself my mom accuses me of having a bad spirit and i need to have an attitude change to be nicer....... among other things i just have a hard time figuire out if im right to seperate myself becuase after all we are family but i still dont think its right for me to be involved....
You can be with, or against them.

With them: You would agree with your parents even though they could be wrong.

Against them: You would tell them, whatever problems their dealing with, is their own, your not involved in this.

If your with them, you wont have much problems, but if your parents keep arguing and blaming you alot of stuff u havent done, you could have a nervous breakdown or depressed.

If your against them, you may have alot of problems, but eventually, they'll keep their arguments to themself, not towards others.


You could just tell them your honest truth, tell them what you feel about it, maybe they'll listen and care.


My mom would always blame stuff to me when some of it wasnt my fault, so I would be against my mom, and tell her what mistakes she did or what could she of done to prevent it. IT doesnt work out, but usually about a couple of hours later, it does work out.

Either way, your choice, Atown.

My parents are divorced too. Living with my mom and sis, dad visited me here last month from France, Good times.
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I think it's best if you humbly voice your input with your parents, Atown. Be honest with your concerns, and lovingly tell your mom and dad about what worries you.
I don't think your parents should get u involved with their fights because it puts u in a hard position.
I usually stay away when my parents fight but sometimes I have to go to both of them seperatly and explain what I think about the situation. But when my parents fight I'll never take one persons side infront of the other because to me I think its wrong, I always talk to them later.
But usually it stresses me out.
So I'll go with bowser and say talk to them, talking helps more than keeping it to yourself.
Bowser said:
I think it's best if you humbly voice your input with your parents, Atown. Be honest with your concerns, and lovingly tell your mom and dad about what worries you.
yeah but that doesnt work, useally my dad is ok with what i think, but my mom always plays the victim and is extremely ignorant.....
Maybe you could tell your parents that you truly love them and explain your feelings about this and let them know why you feel that you should not get involved and let them know that you do care and will pray for them but you don't feel that you should be brought into their arguments. Most of all pray and ask for God's guidance.
Good topic


I am a parent of 2 children, Jacob 6 and Tori 2. It is EXTREMELY pantamount to a HEALTHY family to NOT argue in front of the children.

Perhaps you should set some time aside, pray about it and ask God how to bring this up to your parents. Then, ask for a 'meeting' and sit them down and open your heart to them. Explain to them how it feels to you when they argue in front of you. Talk openly, they should understand.

Lastly, if you need to, talk to your Pastor (either Youth or Senior) and talk it over with them.
First and foremost - you need to pray about it. Its the best way to begin solving any problem. Just open up and talk with God about everything that is on your heart and ask him to show you what to do or what to say but start in prayer and keep praying.
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