an urge..


New Member
i would like to urge everyone to check out the asmodian side of things (beyond level 2). the elyos might be the 'pretty race' but the asmodians have nobility and honor and what not, lol. anyways, since nothing's set in stone yet, i'd like to make the suggestion of trying asmodians if anyone hasn't yet.
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It was my understanding from the lore that Asmodians were sort of the 'good guys' despite their dark appearance. I like their manes , claws, and adrenaline rush inducing combat music. =D I would prefer Asmo personally, but I will make do with Elyos if the group prefers it. Everything on Elyos is new to me.
Yea, I like the asmo. Not the feet, but the other things are cool. And the banner on the left shoulder? Too leet. Sry if I have tytpos, typing from my phone and the txt is super tiny. Peez!
Oh yeah the fancy half-cape thingie is awesome looking vs Elyos rectangular cape. The feet get covered with boots. =]
yea, the feet bothered me till i was checking out some gear on 'em. if they'da had bat wings (korean beta or somethin?) then that mighta changed my mind. but since they're feathery, the black doesn't bother me.

they're not dark cuz they're evil, they're dark cuz they're basically nocturnal lol. poor lil' guys, dontcha feel sorry for 'em? innocently attacked by elyos?! ;D

the reason i urge people to at least check 'em out, is cuz i was all about the elyos too, before.

if i get another car, imma have to get some decals going. on the drivers side panels, i'll get autobot, alliance, and elyos decals, and on the opposing side, get decepticon, horde, and asmodian decals, lolz!

EDIT: oh, and if we do happen to go asmo, i'm rolling a cleric.

Double EDIT: i rolled a test asmodian on israphel

triple EDIT: blah, typed this out and misclicked lol. in short: misread OB news and thought it ended monday night. turns out it's 2am CDT monday morning :(
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I thought it was the pre cursors to the asmodians that assassinated a dragon lord during the negotiations? That might have just been Elyos propaganda;)
There's good and evils on both sides. but in regards to 'looks', the asmodians arn't evil just because they have black wings and red glowy eyes ;D

Edit: Would a poll be necessary at all? i wouldn't mind seeing some numbers on this. Elyos, Asmodian, Undecided/Don't Care

the landscape is only dark in the very first area. i was surprised in just hitting like level3 that the area got brighter. the city similar to verteron is bright white... snowwy lands that are leet imo. Anyways, just stating that i like asmodians and wondering if others do too ;D -minus SKLURB hehe!
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Yeah horde was the same way in wow but once you read the history you see they are just as noble as the alliance with their bad apples thrown in too.

I really have no preference on faction. At some point Ill play them both just for the experience.
well, i did that in wow. my first chars were alliance, then about mid way thru tbc, i switched to horde. i feel like it was a mistake (or OCD rofl) cuz now i'm torn between the two. the only reason it doesn't bother me now, is because i no longer play it. i'd rather be able to say "for the alliance!" or "for the horde!" and be somewhat true to the statement lol. "For the horde! ...till i get on my alli char.."

not gonna pay for faction x-fers, especially when i'm just gonna play aion anyhow. but i'd rather be one or the other, than both. ...ever i hope this makes sense. i'm certainly NOT bashing you or anyone else who wants/is going to play both.

Anyhow, i wanna roll asmodian and it's conflicting =\
but i don't wanna sound like i'm trying to force everyone to play asmodian just to cater to me. it's too bad we don't have enuf resources to pull off a dual legion type deal.

anyways, God bless, have a good day, we'll get it all figured out lolz.
I agree that NCSoft did a good job in making the Asmodians likeable. How else do they get about 1/2 of the players to choose that side ?

However, I think if we want to stand up as "angles of the light" that apply His word to the game as much as possible, it is clear that the Elios side is the one that matches better. So that is the side I will play on.

PS: I did try the Asmodians on the last day of open beta. Enough to figure out that in terms of skills, quest types and abilities there is no difference between both sides. Only in terms of storyline and looks.
And what angles of light would those be?

(Sorry, had to, lol)

Anways, it's already a game based on Aion, a god (blah...) and although the bible may refer to angels as dazzling white and blazing glories, it doesn't mean elyos are "of the light". And as far as lore goes, just because elyos are in the light, does this mean we totally disregard asmodians just cuz they are (in opinion i guess) unfortunate and didn't get to be born on the brighter side of the planet?

If these are the reasons behind choosing elyos, then certainly i could argue that elyos are haughty and full of pride. maybe that's just an asmo perspective, but you have to admit to the arrogance of elyos. that doesn't really match up to what we consider "of the light".

At least we can both agree that both sides of the story are similar otherwise.

Sorry for making fun of your typo. I just see it a lot lately and your's happen to catch my eye this time. ez mistake i'm sure, and will prolly make the same mistake myself!

EDIT: re-read my post and just want to reiterate somewhat that i'm sorry. i don't mean to offend anyone and hope i don't come across as mean. I think SKLURB has me rolling wherever u guys land as well ;D As long as it's on Siel server.
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I think we find aspects of each faction that we identify with.

As in wow we may come to find out that the true evil is not the opposing faction, even though we still have our grievances with each other.

The light aspect of Elyos is something most of us identify with.

The hardiness and strength of overcoming harsh situations is all something we admire from the Asmodeans.

But each person will find other aspects of a faction more to their liking than the other.