Another Book Series Bites The Dust


New Member
Just venting, but I finally find a book series I really like good humor, good plot, likeable characters; then in the third book, boom out of left field, comes an explicit sex scene. There is no reason for it and it's not pertinent to anything. Why do authors do this? It doesn't help that this book series is kind of a genre all its own so I can't even find something to replace it. Again just venting, but it seems like it's harder and harder to find good new novels to read. :(
Just venting, but I finally find a book series I really like good humor, good plot, likeable characters; then in the third book, boom out of left field, comes an explicit sex scene. There is no reason for it and it's not pertinent to anything. Why do authors do this? It doesn't help that this book series is kind of a genre all its own so I can't even find something to replace it. Again just venting, but it seems like it's harder and harder to find good new novels to read. :(

Sadly this happens in just about every form of entertainment now. I am not sure on statistics in other areas, but for movies it shows that lower rated movies make more money, but they need to have their needless sex, a bunch of cursing, and overly gory scenes. The part I find really sad is that they are not needed for the story, and would be great stories without them.
Exactly, they aren't needed and in most circumstances don't even make sense. It just makes me mad. I had really high hopes that I had found a new series. Oh well, I guess I'll just keep looking.
That sucks. I hate it when perfectly good media is ruined in this manner. Just ran into this recently with an indie game that looked promising, but through in (practically) nude female characters for no reason whatsoever. :(
Could you perhaps let us know which book series it is? I am an avid reader, and am always picking up new things. It'd be great to know which to avoid. I don't read certain authors because of their tendency to be sexually explicit.
This place is pretty awesome. Most forums would have gigantic arguments, about how unnecessary sex/gore/whatever-else scenes are artistically valid or some-such.

I hate how people mistake crudity/depravity as artistic... I agree very much with your sentiments. Hope that more Christian authors make interesting things for us to watch and read (or just authors who don't throw in unnecessary things).
This place is pretty awesome. Most forums would have gigantic arguments, about how unnecessary sex/gore/whatever-else scenes are artistically valid or some-such.

I hate how people mistake crudity/depravity as artistic... I agree very much with your sentiments. Hope that more Christian authors make interesting things for us to watch and read (or just authors who don't throw in unnecessary things).

I agree with your sentiments.

Note we have had plenty of polite discussions here and most have disagreed just as politely. It is a good community. We do have the bans for the non-polite people too.