Any word on EARTHBOUND coming to the VC on the Wii.


Active Member
Okay this may seem odd, but has anyone heard anything about the strangest but one of the most intriguing RPGs I played as a 10-11 yr old..

I mean come on you gotta admit it was awesome for its uniqueness. :) Just curious...I would love to get my hands on it again at some point, without purchasing a SNES again...although I found one for roughly 30ish dollars... :)
I would put money on a DS remake before hoping for VC. There hasn't been anything going on at the ESRB (which is how upcoming VC games are usually revealed) yet.

Maybe you'll get lucky at E3 this year.
The first two were released in japan for the GBA if I remember right and its been so long I don't hold out any hope of a release here. Smash bros in japan had a demo for earthbound which was cut from the us release. It seems nintendo has abandoned this amazing franchise.

I played through the third game with an unofficial languge pack and it was amazing.
Nintendo has refused to localize Mother 3 (the sequel to Earthbound, released as Mother 2 in Japan) even after several years and the production and distribution of a fan translation. (Of course, in very un-Nintendo-like fashion, the company did not (to my knowledge) threaten legal action against the fan translation group.

In short: Don't expect to ever see Nintendo release Earthbound on Virtual Console. They've all but abandoned the series, much to many dedicated fans' dismay.