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First, before I begin to address some of the concerns I have been praying about over the past couple days, please let me apologize for the delay in re-opening RD. I have been pretty sick over the past week so in addition to the concerns here, I have had to concentrate on my own health. Regrettably this extended the deadline in re-opening the forums. I am very sorry for this.

With that being said....

I care for each one of you and pray that God would make Himself real in each of your lives. It pains me when one Blasphemes, turns from or simply denies God. But then, He gave us the ability to make those choices. It is His Love and His Grace and His Desire to see us with Him that sent His Son to the Cross to die for our Sin. It is through that death that we were reconciled to the Father. He provided the ultimate payment so that His children could be with Him for all eternity. God has demonstrated an incredible level of forgiveness.

I hope that things are in a bit better perspective for you now.

I am not perfect, I am human. I am a wife and mother. I go to work everyday and come home to a loving family. I have seen many things that could only be described as a perfect joy sent directly from heaven. I have also seen sorrows that tore my heart into pieces. I have emotions, reason, logic, and feelings all wrapped into the body that God created for me.

1. Any corrective actions that are taken in the forums are directed at a behavior, not a person. I do not hold any personal grudges against any of you. When rules are violated though, there are consequences to those actions. Again, it is directed at an action, not a person.

2. Seeing degrading posts in other forums, not only hurts me, but also undermines the authority I have on the boards. These posts also cause significant set backs in the perception of RD. We are not supposed to tear down our brothers and sisters, but build them up. It seems very contrary to the faith to initiate or engage in these discussions

3. In all honesty, I am not sure how many more attacks RD can withstand before I can make a request to have it shut down permanently. This is not a threat, just a statement of fact. RD was meant as a place for productive discussion. Repeated violations of the ToS, rules, basic courtesies (i.e. manners) and general desire for a free-for-all environment cannot continue. It is not healthy for anyone who is posting here.

I hope that you will consider the things mentioned above.

The one last note.....

Religious Discussions is now a fully moderated forum. I will make the change when it can be shown that they posts will remain respecful and in line.