Back in my day... Game!


New Member
So I had this thought... lets make a game called "Back in my day..."

Here is the Rules,

Your challenge has to start with "Back in my day..." then followed by a statement of a MMO (We can do other types later) that is somewhat open.

You get points by guessing correctly the "Back in my day..." game and in WoWs case, expansion.

See where it goes....
Ultima Online, and you didn't mention how they were nekkid.
Back in my day you didn't have a launcher or GUi you had to connect via Telnet.
Silly ewoks...

Unnamed MUD, ewoks?

Back in my day you had to cast spells on chickens to advance to the main world.
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Waaaaaaaaaaaay to kill your own game bro! :D lol

Narius said:
Back in my day.....hunters weren't yet huntards....Samboe..... *wink*
Way to contribute to the killing of the thread by not participating in the same way everyone else did.... :D

lol didn't know a forum game could go downhill this fast.

Back in my day Ghostring carded armor was the only way to do end-game leveling.

Back in my day Scholomance was a raid.
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Aww, you've all already messed up the game.

Step 1: Guess what game the previous poster was talking about
Step 2: "Back in my day, ..." fill in the blank.

Not that difficult people! (I didn't play MMOs before WoW so I will just watch from afar and critique. :D

</end critique>
Game: cgalliance forums

Back in my day, the janitor's name was Roger.

(lets try this one more time) Back in my day you had to cast a spell on chickens to enter the main world.