Back in school, troubled at what I see.


New Member
So I decided to go back to college after a couple year hiatas (sp?) and I got to say I'm rather troubled at what I've seen thus far. I mean I've went to church with my girlfriend and some friends the first sunday back, and Ive met a few Christians around here who will talk but the amount of athiests and all around religious bashing has me bothered.

I mean the campus I'm going too (Morehead State University) is known as a party school, thus everyone knows thursday is party night, and it seems there is a really dark cloud over this place that seems to want to drag you down.

I'm praying hard, so I ask if you guys can pray along with me so I can get through this place in 1 piece.

God bless you all.

Sounds pretty hurtful.
Regardless, praying that you stay safe from their... practices.

May I know roughly which area you are in? If daily life looks like the internet... this can't be good.
As for them atheists, maybe some of them are trolls or just really angsty, but seriously if the whole place is full of them I really don't know what to say... Them going around trying to be all 'self righteous' and bashing their beliefs onto others when they are accusing us of doing just that. Then again I'm not one of those who reject scientific reason (don't believe earth is flat, don't want to disprove dinosaurs) so can't really see what they are getting at with all their 'christians think earth is flat and 7000yo' trash which they constantly bash us with. I know for a fact that many of us students don't believe that and are Christians. In fact, in most modern day interpretations science doesn't clash with religion at all. Probably just a misled rabble in your case, but no doubt can still be distressing. If they harass you too much, maybe bring it up to someone higher up in the food chain, unless of course the academic staff are their kind... Pretty sure there's something against hate speech. Not going to change their beliefs if they really believe what they are saying but at least the bashing will stop, or at least lessen.

Lastly, I don't know what you mean by 'party nite' but if you mean binge drinking, doubt you will find many Christians or religious people in a seedy night club, getting drunk and all that.

Or maybe not so nice, but you could bash them back in an old good fashioned trolling the troll.
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The campus is in northern kentucky, and yea its a bit of a change from the eastern kentucky I'm used to lol. I think one of the first things I heard was when I went to pick up a pizza, I walked past a guy who was saying "I hate Fing Christians, all they do is sing God is good hes so great he lets us suffer, but he's still good". Kinda had to bite my lip on that one, but I still prayed for him that night.

I know that it will be ok while I'm here, and maybe this is a sort of test of faith for me, who knows. I know I can get through it with God by my side.

Thanks for the prayers guys, and God bless you all.
LOL exactly what the trolls on /b/ (inb4 rules 1&2, this ain't a raid) say.
They go around saying trash like that, when well to be honest I don't really know, but what caused you to suffer? Society is failing you. If not got God, you may be twice as bad as you are now. However no point saying that to a troll. Just report them.