Battlefield Bad Company on a PC

Abba San

Legacy of Elijah [LoE] - Proud Grandfather
My son is into Battlefield Bad Company on his PS. It looks interesting - like something I would enjoy. A couple of questions:

1) Is Bad Company fun on a PC?

2) I can't find the original Bad Company for the PC - only Bad Company 2. Is there a PC version of the original?

3) Can the PC version interact with the PS version via the internet?

Thanks - if this works out I hope to be an active part of this forum soon.
1) On a scale from 1 to 10, the fun level is somewhere between a water fight and eating chili dogs. >.> 9.5, especially when playing with other clanners since you will win a lot unless I'm flying a helo. ^_^

2) Think it's console only.

3) Don't believe so, consoles have their own online components whereas the PC version gets much more options.
Good answers - thanks. I guess I'll have to start shopping for a good deal on Bad COmpany 2.

Any ideas on a downloadable source?
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Steam is your best bet since it will not have the SecureROM DRM installed in that version. Plus, you will see all the ToJ Bad Company homies on your friends list.

A word of warning: the voice acting in Bad Company 2 has a lot of swearing (really the only unfortunate drawback to the game, imo). I am talking f-bomb level stuff.
Thanks for the warning - my son told me the same. Language can't get any worse than the street ministry I'm involved with.

I'll check out Steam.
How much of a pain is it if I do NOT use Steam? I just found an old Best Buy card that has $25 still on it. That way it only costs me $25 out of pocket.
Bad Company 2 is still Bad Company 2 in my book (which also has coloring pages). You should be able to add it as a Non-Steam game and get the online functions like friends list and such.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is currently free to play for this weekend. Install Steam and download the game and play.
btw. it's 10 dollars off for the weekend too.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is currently free to play for this weekend. Install Steam and download the game and play.
btw. it's 10 dollars off for the weekend too.
The downside is that Infinity Ward spit in the face of PC gamers--the customer largely responsible for the company's success--by choosing not to include dedicated server support in the PC version of Modern Warfare 2.

Now that SecuROM version has been removed from the Steam version (but NOT the retail version, which is reason enough to strongly prefer the Steam version over a boxed copy), I have no reason to recommend someone not purchase Bad Company except for the character profanity.