Being Part of a Local Church

#1 “I just don’t like the pastor.”

That’s fine – some days I don’t like the pastor either – and I am the pastor.

If it is not the pastor it is a teacher, a singer, a leader, the person who greets – anyone can push our buttons and make us not want to run into them. The shame is that you would let anyone come between you and God’s blessings that come from fellowship and corporate worship.

There are several solutions – go to a different service – go to a different church – go talk to the person and work it out – imagine that. The bottom line is – Christ is the key relationship. Our fellowship in church is meant to bring us closer in that relationship as we experience the joy of being part of His body.

These are the top ten excuses I hear. There are others – maybe you have one yourself that is not on this list. Whatever your excuse may be – there is no excuse for missing God’s best blessings in life. Many of them come through the church.

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:23-25 (NLT)
What a great great thread. Seriously. Most of my Christian non-church attending friends use #3 (too many hypocrites). I try and gentle remind them that we are all fallen people.

If you ever find a perfect church, don't go there! You'll mess it up.

Thank you for sharing this list.
My pastor once did a similar sermon (although we had to be in church to hear it. . .) except he related it to sports. I remember being rather amused at the thought of sports fans not going to a sporting event due to the large number of hypocrite fans. . . =)
My pastor once did a similar sermon (although we had to be in church to hear it. . .) except he related it to sports. I remember being rather amused at the thought of sports fans not going to a sporting event due to the large number of hypocrite fans. . . =)

That's a great analogy! :)
Absolutely - I really have heard all these excuses. I collected them and did a sermon on them - and now I use them in my membership class.

Next week we are going to look at Why You Need a Spiritual Family. I just took this week off as a breather.