i was wondering as much... lol
when someone said thanks for repolling for longer and u said 'ur welcome'. that's the last bold thread on the list for me to check atm hehe
on a related noted - Our BD4L, with prayer consideration, and I - have decided it would be best if I did not lead the Aion guild. While this deeply saddens me, due to multiple bad choices on my part we deem this is the best course of action. That being said, Aion headstart starts in 2 days(!) and we need someone to step up to volunteer and take guild leader for Aion. I will most likely still be playing, just not as your guild leader. I am deeply sorry.
umm.. umm... what's the job description? rofl
i have only led levelling guilds in wow, as end-game guilds i couldn't stand the drama and thus, never even tried for a leadership spot. heh!
If I weren't a full time nursing student, I'd lead. However, seeing as I don't know what time I'll have to even play, and I don't want it to distract from my's probably not wise. However, I will pray that God will give us a wise and God-fearing leader ^^
just my way of self censoring. Had a very bad experience with a guild recently, but I can't bring myself to out them.
umm.. umm... what's the job description? rofl
i have only led levelling guilds in wow, as end-game guilds i couldn't stand the drama and thus, never even tried for a leadership spot. heh!
Starting out, the Guild Leader will be responsible for managing the in-game guild, selecting and assigning guild officers, sending news and requests (e.g. web space, changes to chapter forums, e-mail addresses, etc.) to Tribe of Judah's Staff Manager, moderating the chapter forums, planning in-game events (though that can be delegated to a guild officer), recruiting in-game and out of game (though that can and probably should be delegated as well), and other tasks that come with guild leadership.

It's not as daunting as it sounds, but any Guild Leader would do well to share the workload with the officers he or she selects. In other words: Don't try to do it all. That way lies madness.

And the Guild Leader will be able to turn to other Tribe of Judah staff, including Guild Leaders from larger and older guilds, for help. You're not in this alone!

Starting out, serving as Guild Leader shouldn't be too strenuous. Every guild starts out small and most grow at a manageable rate.

No Guild Leader is expected to hold the position forever, but Guild Leaders should choose a replacement (to be confirmed by Tribe of Judah leadership) when the time comes. Some guilds even have a Guild Leader election process and/or multiple Guild Leaders. But that's all business that's yet down the road. For now, the focus is on getting the guild started and building its foundation.
If I may, there are also some "unwritten rules" about being a successful guild leader. I've been involved in MMO's for nearly a decade now, both as member and guild leader (no, I'm not putting my "hat" in the ring for consideration because for Aion, I lack an important quality, "commitment," which I will explain below). ;)

Here are some of the tips I've learned about being a successful guild leader:
a) The guild leader needs to be frequently present. I was part of a successful guild that was well-run by the officers, but eventually fell apart because the leader was always playing his alternate character in a different guild. Often guildies like to go questing with the guild leader; that's hard to do if he or she isn't around. And a caveat to that point: The guild leader cannot monopolize or play favorites. If the guild leader is constantly running quests or dungeons/instances with only certain people, it can have the affect of making the others feel left out.
b) The guild leader needs to enjoy the game. Attitudes are infectious; if the guild leader is bored, tired, having a bad day, gets frustrated with questing or whatever, it soon "infects" the guild members. And a caveat to this point: The guild leader needs to be committed to the game. And here's where I'm disqualified: I'm not certain of Aion's future success and therefore unwilling to "pledge" full commitment just yet. But a guild leader needs to be committed.
c) The guild leader needs to invest alot of time into the guild. If your schedule is hectic, filled with classes or work (or both), and you want to maintain a happy social life (or family life), these are important factors to consider; guilds run themselves well with good officers up to a point. But if the person who is serving as the guild leader constantly delegates authority and decisions to others while not doing much of the work, it soon taxes the officers and can break the morale of the guildies.
d) The guild leader needs to enforce the rules. Rules will be broken. Count on it. But guild leaders lose respect (and loyalty) if he or she lets things slide. Every guild needs a set of rules to go by and a pre-existing list of what would happen when (not if) a particular rule is broken. If a penalty is too severe, then it needs to be corrected before the infraction occurs, not after. And if we follow Scripture, there should also be opportunities to redeem mistakes, apologize, seek restitution, and restore relationships. These, too, need to be enforced by the leadership (officers and guild leader).

Well, those are some big rules. I know there's lots and lots more that could be put down, but as long as we're looking for a new, good, guild leader, those are some important factors to consider: presence, shared playtime, attitude, commitment, time, shared responsibility, and compassionate justice.

I hope those points are helpful to whomever is considering guild leadership in this new game called Aion. :cool:
So, is there any progress in choosing a new guild leader?

If not, I'm willing to act as a temporary. I understand that Aion is set up so that you can pass Guild leadership to someone else. So I can just get things established - Starting the guild and adding everyone that has registered here. An then pass it on, once a leader has been chosen.
I have already pm'd Kidan about getting the character post organized.

I'll be on as soon as the game is live and plan on playing all day. (9+ hours)

I fine with handling the ingame stuff. It's the other paper work that I don't like.
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I fine with handling the ingame stuff. It's the other paper work that I don't like.
As guilds go, the "paperwork" for the Aion guild should be pretty light: Just send any requests and updates on staff (e.g. a new Officer needs access to the Aion Officers Forum) to Elihu, Tribe of Judah's Staff Manager and post brief (1-2 paragraph) reports every month in the ToJ Staff Forum.

UXZero: I'll send you a PM about the Guild Leader position.